8mo missed second nap and slept amazingly. WHAT DOES IT MEAN


New member
Does this mean a) nothing: anomaly
b) I need to reduce second nap a bit
c) baby sleep is mysterious don’t even bother figuring it out

Baby is a v solid napper, but a cries often at night (without getting up) sleep trained, 2 times a night feeder.

She missed second nap due to a 5 minute car nap (lol) and was totally fine and only got up once to feed at 3am (win for mama)

We get up at 615, nap 9-1045 and then 2-315 with a 7pm bedtime.

She would nap and nap if I let her.
Wake her up earlier for second nap?
@hotleatherworld Hmm maybe experiment? Try adding a little more wake time and a little less nap time. Could just be exhaustion tbh. But for 8.5 months old I feel like your first wake window could be longer - at least 3 hrs. Seems like your WWs are 2.75/3.25/3.75 so if you want you could try 3/3.25/3.75 - I think you have a good amount of sleep total but if you add a tiny bit (15 min or so), it could possibly help with night wakes. Mine did this too when 6 months old and once we added like even 10-20 min extra wake time, night wakes stopped!

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