8 weeks twins measuring behind


New member
I am pregnant with twins and 8 week scan showed one twin measuring 1.15cm 7 weeks 3 days and other is 0.97cm 7 weeks.

My clinic said they would be concerned if more than 5 days behind so being referred to a consultant and follow up scan.

Any advice much appreciated.

I’m also really struggling with accepting its twins and whether or not I’ll be able to cope. I have a 3 year old daughter from ivf and after multiple failed transferred trying for a sibling, we went through the whole process again. We had a double embryo transfer a year ago that didn’t work and they did another double transfer to increase our chances. There was a less than 10% chance it would work at all so I think I’m in shock that 2 actually stuck.

Am I alone in feeling this way? I should be happy but I’m so so overwhelmed.

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