8 month old not eating


New member
Has anyone else’s baby been going through a phase of not wanting to eat their milk? We haven’t been giving much solids so I don’t think it’s that. He normally has around 36oz a day. Today he had a total of 19.5. I’m freaking out. I know he just started teething again bc he’s drooling like crazy and everything goes in his mouth even more than before. But idk if it’s that bc he’ll suck on a paci no problem. I’m so worried about him I keep crying and freaking out. I’ve literally never used Reddit before and I downloaded it in hopes other parents can help me chill out.
@frigani Hey! How are you going with beb now?
I’m going through the exact same thing with my almost 8 month old. She is refusing bottles throughout the day and eating maybe 1/2 what she would usually take. I’ve stopped feeding her solids over the last few days thinking maybe she was getting too full from them (or preferred them over the milk).

Her two bottom teeth are already out and can’t see anything happening with top gum just yet. I am getting a bit worried, but she is acting perfectly fine, happy, healthy. It’s so weird!
@agyenim7 Considering my little ham had 18oz of milk before 9am, I think we’re doing better 🤣 it turns out he really is just teething! He has a top tooth slowly starting to emerge. I can only barely feel it. But he’s been 100% fine. My ped also said that they can go like 2-3 days of eating less without any issues as long as everything else is fine. If it goes longer than that, it’s just recommended to let them know and they may ask to see baby!

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