7 month old can’t tolerate normal first WW but otherwise schedule okay? Should I just roll with it??


New member
Title says it all…

My 7 month old is yawning before he’s been awake an hour and totally loses it by about an hour 40 mins.

The rest of his schedule seems more normal and he sleeps well at night but it’s horrible to have him be so overtired in the am.


1.75 MAX and hysterical/2-2.25/2.25-2.75/2.25-2.75

ON 11-11.5 hours goes down independently and no night wakes

FWIW this is new .. a month ago he tolerated a normal first WW fine. Then got vaccines and then sick and then teething and now he’s a mess in the AMs. He used to go down for all naps with NO fuss and independently and I can hardly do naps independently anymore. He just screamed for 5 minutes before not yet falling asleep for first nap and I bet it will be short and terrible because he’s so overtired.
@stefanny Is there any chance they're waking up earlier than you realise? My LO can sometimes be super quiet when they wake. I have supersonic hearing and she just needs to blink for me to know she's awake, but I know a couple of times my partner's done the overnight shift and hasn't realised she was awake until she started yelling out and we only worked it out because she was SO tired that first ww.
@wolfwhohowlstoparadise Hm interesting idea! Definitely could be. Did you just decide to lean into sleepy cues for that WW? I like him waking up at 7… part of my concern is if I shorten that wake window then night will start earlier and he’ll be back to waking up in the 6 o’clock hour..
@stefanny Tbh it doesn't happen often as I usually do the overnight shift so it's only happened a couple of times! So we stuck to wws, but had an overtired mess by the end of the day. When it's me and I know she's woken up before 7am, I just do anything I can to assist her back to sleep if it's after 6am. Usually rock and hold. If she still won't go back to sleep, I do a mix of spreading the extra wake time across the wws, not just the first one, and maybe a slight bit more day sleep. If she's waking up that early it's usually a schedule problem though so again is only temporary.