7.5 month old waking every 1.5-2hrs


New member
Serial cat napper 30mins on the dot

Wake windows are approximately 2 / 3 / 4

Solids twice a day

She's only 5.85kg at 7.5 months, so not sure if that's a factor

Anything that we should change in terms wake windows or feeding?
@tbdude65 3 hrs and 4 hrs WW seem huge for a 7.5month old who only gets 30mins naps.
And I was told by my paediatrician that size can effect WW. My son is big for his age so always has slightly longer WW. Have you tried scaling back those WW?

My guess is they are in a bit of an overtired rut. My baby wakes a tonne if he’s overtired.
@tbdude65 It’s hard at this age- my son is 6.5months. He looks like he can completely tolerate a WW, will go down without a fight for a nap but wake up 30mins later screaming and I know the WW was too long. I will extend these naps with nursing/contact to protect bedtime though.

I find if the WW at the end of the day is too long that I get false starts and lots of wake ups.

Is there anyway to extend naps? Either contact or pram etc.?
@archangellover I can extend naps through contact and pram most definitely, but just wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do

Will apply for sleep school to help her connect her sleep cycles and sleep independently to hopefully resolve the issue