6mo start solids:hyperactive behavior


New member
Hi!! FTM here w a 6mo (5mo 3 wks). We just started solids (puree) and i fed her banana and peanut buttrr puree yesterday and today and just noticed she is behaving v actively. Kept flipping around (front to back) shaking her head left right left right and her belly left right left right vigorously while on her back, babbling a bit more frenetivally than usual.... it was trader joes unsalted peanut butter creamy.. my husband says its thr sugar rush (bananas) and tts prob it but i just wamted to check if its normal n if any of you have experiencrd similar things. Also she keeps eating and she does not fisplay fullness cues, i fed her for abt 20 mins n unilatrrally drcided to stop if not if i were to go by her cues she would just keep eating!!!!

Thanks so much for any comments!!