6 month old is a H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E sleeper, please help!!


New member
My 6 month old (almost 28 weeks) is currently still waking a million times a night and naps are sh!t still, always been a cat napper.

She had reflux and colic (severely) as a newborn until she was about 3 months so sleep was always horrible, she still can’t fall asleep or stay asleep if she has one tiny burp left in her so burping fully is compulsory. I’ve tried every app under the sun, spent lots on sleep consultants etc etc, with no difference. I currently get the huckleberry premium subscription every month and followed sweet spot but it’s not helping.

I followed a doctors recommendation to take her to a sleep clinic (I’m from NZ) where they made me put her in a bed in a random room, close the door and she screamed for over an hour straight. I ended up saying fk this, went in and picked her up and she let out a tiny burp and fell asleep shaking in my arms. They told me she was manipulating me and that I let her win. She was only 4 months old. Ever since then, I’m traumatised by that kind of sleep training and won’t do it, so please leave the cry it out or Ferber suggestions off this!! It’s just not what myself or her dad want to do. For around 3 months since she hit the 4 month regression at 10 weeks old I have worked my ass off to get her to fall asleep independently by pick up out down methods and patting til drowsy and reducing it over time until she was able around a month ago to go down fully awake. She still never stayed asleep during naps or the night though.

She has had signs of teething for months but no teeth, and is starting to army crawl. She’s always been a very very alert baby and we have been told this a million times. I think her temperament is definitely playing a part in the reasons she isn’t sleeping. Her wake windows are anywhere from 2hrs15 to 3hrs but we aren’t on a schedule as every day her naps are so bad that her bedtime and wake up times are different so nap times are always different. We’ve had a set bedtime routine since she was born. I was told that maybe I should try just 2 naps and that those would lengthen and nights would be better, but the naps didn’t lengthen, every night there were a million false starts and she woke anywhere from 6-15 wake ups afterwards with a 5am alert wake up every morning. Pure torture. I’ve started giving her 3 naps again, but still dealing with the same issues. On the odd occasion once a week or so I get an hour long morning nap which is crazy cause she’s never slept longer than 30-45 mins. Her lunch nap she needs to be resettled after 30 mins then sleeps another hour. Third nap she sleeps 30 mins. Her total day sleep is usually anywhere from 1.75-3 hours and night time sleep she’s getting around 9 hours. It’s all horrible. For the last few days she has completely refused her morning and afternoon naps even when I put her in the carrier or pram she will not go to sleep and all self settling skills at naps and bed time have disappeared, she only wants to be rocked or held and I can’t do it, I am chronically sleep deprived and overstimulated. She went to bed at 7:30 tonight and woke up at 9 (so actually great compared to the last few nights where she has had lots of false starts) but stayed awake over an hour then woke every 5 mins 5 times until I gave up and bought her in to cosleep and it’s now 10:45pm. We cosleep a lot cause it’s the only way most of the time and she is EBF. She got used to her bed and then decided she hated it. Also, she won’t take a pacifier. I thought after having her lip and tongue ties removed she would but she doesn’t.

Btw, she’s on solids and loves to eat. She gets a lot of milk and food in the day so I really don’t believe hunger is the reason, but she was born on the 1st percentile and is still on it, but has steadily gained weight very well and is triple her birth weight. Solids haven’t helped her sleep whatsoever.

The 4 and 6 month sleep regressions have blended together in this one. Can somebody please please help?????
@gerardb This sounds like my baby!! I don’t have the courage to do sleep training yet.. I’m a day close to start co sleeping. He seems to sleep better at night when I’m or my husband is next to him
@gerardb That’s a big red flag to indicate more medical than behavior related especially with the gas, etc. if she hasn’t been evaluated for oral ties, I’d see an ENT, airway focused dentist and/or potentially a myofcuntional speech therapist.
@gerardb Great, if she didn’t have any pre or post work done, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of needing to work on the function of the muscles to do what they need to do (close the mouth and nasal breathe) to stimulate the vagus nerve in the palate and allow her to rest vs being in fight or flight.