5 week old spits up an hour later - a lot


New member
I have tried following all of the advice. Feed in an upright position, keep him upright for 30 mins, burp a couple times during feeding, etc. Sometimes during burping he spits up a little, no big deal. I try to avoid over feeding by giving him a pacifier in between bottles. However more times than not, he’ll spit up a ton about an hour after feeding. Is he just not able to handle his formula? I currently give him Enfamil Neuropro.

I would hate to switch hIs formula to one that’s even harder to find during this shortage. Is there anything else I can do?
@sheolgrave Reflux can be pretty bad around that age. My pediatrician said that as long as baby is making 6-8 wet diapers a day, they're getting enough and that it'll pass. For my baby, the spitting up peaked at week 7, then started getting better. He also had a lot of gas and grunting around that time.

Does he seem uncomfortable or have trouble sleeping? If not, it sounds normal, but you should always reach out to your pediatrician if you're concerned something else is going on.
@mk101 When he’s awake, he just acts like he always wants to eat. But I learned that they don’t know the difference between hunger and gas so they give the same hunger cues for both, which is why I give him the pacifier in between. But he doesn’t really cry except for when he wants more.

Sometimes he has trouble sleeping because of gas. Usually once at night he’ll wake up an hour after eating from choking on his spit up. He also will start crying while he’s sleeping, I assume also from gas, and settles back down when I pat his back like I’m burping him.
@sheolgrave So, to add to a previous poster, if it’s due to reflux, sometimes they want to eat more to soothe their throat so they appear so though they’re still hungry. But, on that note, I’d try a formula for reducing spit up or for reflux. We’ve had great results on Gerber soothe pro for both gas and spit up. It may be worth a try. I know formula is a shit show right now but I can typically find this formula a few cans at a time.
@katrina2017 My four week old is like that. She's on a sensitive formula but it doesn't seem to help. I have a can of Gerber Soothe Pro which I'm tempted to try but she's so fussy that I'm scared of making it worse.
@sheolgrave This sounds like my daughter. She had reflux and would eat 24/7 because it would soothe her throat but then that would cause her pain and it was a vicious circle. We went to a gentle formula, Dr. Brown bottles, added gas drops, and put her on reflux medicine and it was a night and day difference.
@sheolgrave We went through this and it was terrible. We started adding mylicon and a probiotic ( the mylicon goes in every bottle and the probiotic w vitamin D is once a day) and things got slightly better. He is 3 months now and still has pretty huge spit up events but it isn’t to the point anymore where we are wondering if he is eating enough.
@sheolgrave What are you using to mix the formula? We had a baby Brezza for our twin boys and realized it was giving more water than formula. After a hospital visit and throwing the baby Brezza in the dumpster, the spot up stopped completely.
@katrina2017 I either mix it myself or use the formula pitcher. I had heard the Brezza wasn’t measuring correctly. I’m amazed to still see it on the shelves and not recalled