4 months w/ kyleena iud yet terrified


New member
Ok so this particular cycle has been weirdly terrifying to me the whole time. I was supposed to get my period yesterday, though the official 28 Days starts today.

I’ve been worried because the spotting I usually get around ovulation, which has lasted 3 days since iud insertion, was only one day, so I was terrified it was implantation bleeding.

I have no way of checking if my iud is in place as my strings curled around my uterus very quickly, gyno told me that was ok.

Confusing possible pms symptoms with pregnancy symptoms, I’ve been stressing.

To ease my stress, I went to take a pregnancy test yesterday morning. Test seemed to be a dud, not coming up with anything (not even placebo) for hours. So I figured I’d need to get a better one.

I’ve been cramping and breaking out and I have dark circles.

Now, after at least 10 hours since I last looked at the pregnancy test, I checked on it again, and the placebo was bright blue. I thought I might have noticed the faintest, blink and you’ll miss it Line in the pregnancy circle, and now I can’t tell if it’s an Evap Line or a positive.

I’m absolutely terrified. I can’t be the .2%. I’m riddled with anxiety and can’t take another pregnancy test until I get back home tomorrow. I’m absolutely terrified this will ruin my life. Either I take a test and it’s negative, or I bleed soon and there’s my period. Or, life is considered over.

Please, if there’s any reassurance, y’all can give me I’d highly appreciate it.
@wasabijellybean First of all, implantation bleeding doesn’t exist. There are high incidences of spotting in the luteal phase of the cycle in both pregnant and non-pregnant cycles and there is no evidence that implantation, a microscopic event, causes spotting. Even if it did, it is impossible to distinguish the two. Plus, spotting occurs more often in non-pregnant cycles than pregnant cycles because spotting is usually caused by the drop in progesterone that induces menstrual bleeding.

Second, the results of the test are simply not valid 10 hours after you’ve taken it. Especially with blue dye tests which are less accurate than pink dye tests. Don’t think about that test anymore because it is dysfunctional and meaningless. Instead of stressing over it, take another (pink dye!) test when you get home.

Third, your body is not a clock. No matter how regular you usually are, ultimately, you aren’t a machine! One day “late” isn’t even a late period, just normal fluctuation. If you’ve been stressed about possibly being pregnant this whole cycle, that could have delayed your ovulation which causes you more stress and this horrible vicious cycle.

The bottom line is, relax. Stop worrying so much, take deep breaths, and take another test. Stress will only make everything worse.

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