4.5 month old irritable/fussing in sleep


New member
My once great sleeper seems to be in full sleep regression. From very early on he only woke two or three times in the night to nurse. At about 15 weeks he started wanting to nurse about once every 2 hours throughout the night. He wouldn’t cry, just do his standard grunting/rooting routine to let me know he was hungry. Now, since about 17 weeks, he’s been getting super fussy and irritable in his sleep. Sometimes he wants to nurse, but often that’s not enough and the only thing he wants to sleep on my chest. We always sleep in the c-curl, and it makes me nervous having him on my chest because I’m worried he might roll off if I fall asleep. I usually just end up staying awake until I think it’s safe to transition him back next to me. Has anyone else dealt with this? Any advice?
@cairne it could be gas?
my 4mo loves to be on his tummy recently and likes to sleep on his stomach.

cosleepy on instagram has resources regarding chest sleeping!
@jarjj70 Oh ok, I do follow cosleepy and have seen some mention of chest sleeping. I guess I might need to fully commit to chest sleeping for a while, because it’s the going back and forth throughout the night that makes me nervous, because obviously I’ve set the bed up for side sleeping and it’s tough transitioning to my back when I’m half asleep. Not to mention that I’m not at the recommended incline for chest sleeping.

Do you know if there are good resources for nursing in the chest to chest position? We’ve mastered side lying and that’s what I’m comfortable with. My breasts are pretty large and it’s been hard for him to get a good latch while lying on me - a few nights ago he had a bad latch and I’m so sore now 😩