38w + 5 days - baby measuring larger


New member
(I’ll make a decision with my medical team and partner - but want to hear your thoughts!)

I’m 39w on Sunday and a FTM. I had a growth scan today and baby went from 6 lbs 2 oz about 3 weeks ago to 8 lbs 9 oz - and her belly is measuring in the 99% percentile.

Doctor brought up the possibility of scheduling a C-Section if I was comfortable with it due to the baby’s size. The baby already has some heart complications, so he doesn’t want to add to baby’s potential burdens / stressors (or mine) while being born. BUT he’s not so concerned as of now that he is advocating one way or another. Just providing options since I’m 50% effaced and 0% dilated - so baby just likely to get bigger.

I’m completely open to a C-Section if needed but up to this point have preferred the idea of a vaginal birth. I spoke with my sister who has had 4 births - 3 vaginal and 1 CSection. She said she preferred the CSection looking back 😂. My mom had to have a CSection with all of her babies - including me, the last one, who was 11 lbs but born right around 40w.

But my question is - has anyone had a large baby? Between 9-10 lbs? Did you tear significantly or have shoulder dystocia? Or was it still a normal birth? I was open to a natural birth when I thought she’d be around 8 lbs…I’m less inclined if she’s big enough to potentially be a difficult birth. My sister had a 9-10 lb baby as her first and it was quite traumatic. Given, she was a lot smaller than I am (I’m 5’ 5” and 155 lbs - she was 5’ 3” and maybe 120 lbs sopping wet).

I know that each birth is unique and my body could easily handle a 9+ lb baby…but as a FTM…that sounds like a gamble I’m not sure I want to take.

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