35w, go bag is packed, nursery is close to being done, etc…what now?


New member
Knowing my life is about to change forever in about 5 weeks or so, I’m trying to figure out what are some things I can focus on to enjoy and make the best of these remaining weeks of young adult “freedom” per say with my wife. It’s our first child and we have always enjoyed the freedom we have but are also very aware of how things will have to adapt for our baby girl. Trying to think of things I can do now freely that I know I may miss for bit. E.g. see a last minute movie in a theater, catch a drink with friends, go bike outside, etc.

So my question: Future and current dads, what are some things you want/would do before the big day to enjoy life and celebrate a new chapter coming??
@godgracemercy Nothing can really prepare you. Just live life normally and appreciate the little things as they happen. Spend time with friends, drink, laugh, nap, do nothing. Just do whatever you want when you want to. Not like “oh you’ll never sleep again, blah blah blah”. Just enjoy yourself and don’t think too much about it. You don’t have to make it special, just live.
@godgracemercy Definitely go on long bike riding adventures if the weather cooperates. The first few months it will be hard to escape for long periods of time as the baby should have a rigid schedule
@godgracemercy Just be spontaneous. Find any excuse to just get up and go do something together or by yourself. After a kid, there is no such thing as spontaneity and you really don't appreciate it until it's gone.

Do things you can't do without getting a babysitter or a kid around: Go out to a nice dinner. Go on a small road trip. Wake up and enjoy a coffee/tea/whatever on the patio in silence. Have sex in all parts of the house.
@godgracemercy Good luck! All I would say is if you haven’t already, try and do some batch cooking if you can! Less fun than trips out (which I strongly recommend, too) but you will appreciate having home-cooked food available from the freezer in those early weeks.