26 y/o female grad student freaking out. Please help


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My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex last Sunday. He finished inside me and I’m not on birth control AND I was on the second day of my ovulation cycle. I also did not take the morning after pill because it wasn’t accessible to me at the time. This has never happened to me because I’ve always been pretty safe about this stuff so I’m freaking out.

So now it’s been ten or eleven days since we had sex. My boobs went up a cup size and I’ve been having intense hot flashes accompanied with cramping in my back and stomach. I also have been peeing non stop. I don’t know if I’m psychologically tripping myself out but I also don’t know how my boobs could become swollen and huge over night due to my anxiety.

If anyone has any experience or advice, please share with me. I won’t be able to test for another 2-3 weeks.
@chinchilla You can test two weeks after sex. Also, if you were actually experiencing pregnancy symptoms you’d get a positive pregnancy test. Pregnant enough for symptoms pregnant enough for a test
@chinchilla Then you probably aren’t experiencing pregnancy symptoms. If you were you’d get a positive test. So take a test and when it’s negative you know these aren’t pregnancy symptoms. Then when it’s been two weeks take another test to see if you are pregnant, which would be unrelated to these symptoms.
@mariajlm Oh btw, I ended up being pregnant. and I was negative at two weeks and was positive At four weeks. So I would check your facts. Oh AND my only symptom was a missed period.
@chinchilla You listed a bunch of symptoms in your original post. I stated those weren’t pregnancy symptoms because it would be too early to be experiencing true pregnancy symptoms. I said if you wait and take a pregnancy test and it does come up positive that’s unrelated to the “symptoms” you had been experiencing. So that all still stands.
@mariajlm Also she states the test “was positive at four weeks” but she made the post 13 days ago and said in the post sex was 10 days ago, so it hasn’t even been 4 weeks yet. Something doesn’t add up.
@chinchilla Why won’t you be able to test for another 2-3 weeks? Two weeks after sex a pregnancy test is accurate. Most people don’t experience pregnancy symptoms until 6 weeks pregnant. The symptoms you are experiencing are symptoms of progesterone which your body produces after ovulation whether or not you get pregnant.
@chinchilla If you’re going to lie, at least wait the right amount of time to make your lie make sense. Your post was made 13 days ago and in your post you said you had sex 10 days ago. 13+10=23. That’s not “4 weeks” that’s 3 weeks and two days ago you had sex.
@chinchilla The tests are totally accurate 12 days after ovulation - they only say to wait until your expected period because most people don’t know when they ovulate. Sex can only result in pregnancy up to 5 days before ovulation so that means ~17 days after sex is definitive regardless of when your period is due.

However, if it was only the second day after your period started and you’re sure it was really your period, pregnancy is pretty much impossible.

In early pregnancy, the symptoms are just post-ovulation symptoms from progesterone which is there whether you’re pregnant or not, so what you’re feeling at this point doesn’t have any relevance.
@chinchilla I don’t know what that means. Ovulation cycles are menstrual cycles. Cycles are cycles of ovulation + period (periods always come 10-16 days after ovulation unless pregnant) and the first day of a cycle is counted from the first day of your period.