2.5 month old (F) will only cosleep and won’t leave my boob!


New member
Baby decided a couple weeks ago she doesn’t like the bassinet and only wants to cosleep attached to my boob.

Overall she’s been a tough baby since she came home. My first kiddo I was able to nurse to sleep for naps and bedtime. We contact napped forever but bedtime he always slept in his crib. Second time around I’m at a loss.

Around 4-6 weeks she started fighting bedtime pretty hard. Nursing to sleep (naps or bedtime) is a 50/50 shot and usually it doesn’t work for her. She very rarely contact naps unless it’s in the Tula carrier and even that has started to not work. We implemented a bedtime routine/ritual, follow wake windows and followed some Taking Cara Babies advice to help get her to sleep and it worked for like 2 weeks and then back to square 1 a couple weeks later. It’s like every 2 weeks she changes her mind.

I know babies are all different and are constantly changing but I am out of ideas on what to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m touched out and exhausted. She also has a lip and tongue tie which has not helped her latch so my nipples are so sore and bruised. We’re planning to get an assessment on what if anything needs to be released. I feel like we’re doing all the things but nothing is working. Help!

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