17 Week Ultrasound Measuring 2 Weeks Behind - Give Me Hope


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Hi There - looking for hope but also real life stories that are similar to mine. I've had two prior miscarriages just before my current pregnancy. The first ending at 9 weeks due to no heart beat and the second terminated at 15 weeks due to Trisomy18 diagnosis. I was very much just starting to feel a bit more relaxed in this current pregnancy as I got all the way to 14 weeks + 4 without any red flags. Up until this point all of my scans measured right on target with no delays, my NIPT test came back low risk, and NT scan came back normal and structurally everything looked and still looks fine. I went in for a scan at 14 weeks + 4 and the baby all of a sudden was measuring 1 week behind. The doctor said we needed time between scans to see how the growth would progress. I went back in for another scan at 17 weeks + 1 and I was then 2 weeks behind. At this apt the doctor measured the basic anatomy (I should mention I see a MFM specialist as my first baby was born early at 32 weeks due to Pre-E which then escalated into HELLP syndrome, this MFM Dr. took me on as a patient when we started trying for baby 2. She's seen all the struggles that 2023 brought us.) At that scan when measuring not everything was measuring consistently 2 weeks behind, some elements were ahead while some were marked 2 weeks behind. I believe they take an average of all measurements taken to determine growth/size. The Dr. also looked for any markers on the US and said that she didn't see anything that would lead her to believe it's a major abnormality and that her mind went to whatever was calling the delayed growth could potentially be a rare genetic condition?? I was offered and have scheduled an Amnio for this Friday at 9am. We are going to look at the base panel for genetic conditions/abnormalities to see if anything flags as abnormal. Not sure when results for this will come back. We also looked at the placenta flow during this apt. and there is nothing to note, flow looked normal and regular. Dr.'s exact words were "I don't think this is a placenta issue".

Obviously I've scoured online reading horror stories of IUGR. I believe I would be trending towards the early onset category since this is showing up on an early 2nd trimester scan, outcomes don't look wonderful in that group - micro-preemies, neonatal deaths, stillbirth, low birthweight, long stays in the NICU. I've also seen terms like FGR for fetal growth restrictions - not really sure when diagnosis of these conditions are done? I feel like I already qualify for both in way but the MFM didn't give me officially where I landed on the % scale with being 2 weeks delayed so I'll try to get that info on Friday for my amnio. I can't help but think this is a new trend that will take place on all future scans and growth will slowly keep ticking under where it needs to be leading my baby to be severly delayed in growth. I've read that babies who are severly delayed 4-8 weeks tend to have stress in utero and can pass away due to the strain.

Please, someone give me hope.
@justtrying Yeah definitely get that - when I had mine done, they explained that they don't say "X weeks behind", it's all about growth curves, the same as when the baby is born.

I would say that there can often be a lot of variation in growth rates. I personally know people that had IUGR and yes they had small babies but they're now toddlers and you'd never know.

So I wouldn't assume anything yet. Good luck for the amnio.
@garryowen I'll report back with additional information. I'm so worried I can't focus on anything else. The waiting between apts and the unknown is terrible.

I should also note that I'm on the petite side - I'm 5'-1 and pre pregnancy I weighed around 110 pounds. My entire family is relatively on the shorter side. I would love to believe I'm creating a smaller baby and all is well.

In other studies I've read there are links between IUGR and Pre-E which is a scary thought since I know first hand the effect of pre-e. My first delivery was traumatic however it did result in the most perfect little boy. Praying.
@justtrying As you've had pre-e before they should be monitoring you for that. There is a blood test they can do that predicts it before it happens - I had these a few times in my last pregnancy.

If baby is still within standard percentiles then there's a good chance they're just petite. It's the pattern that's important. Someone has to be 1st percentile!

I would stop researching to be honest. There's nothing to be gained and you're just making yourself anxious. At least you're getting the amnio relatively quickly.
@garryowen Yes! I'm on daily low dose aspirin and daily injections of Lovenox. I also take daily progestrone suppository as well but I'm not sure that this is actually for the Pre-E. More just to create an ideal environment for the baby? I didn't realize there's a blood test they could run to predict, I will absolutely be asking for information on that! Thank you for sharing!

Hoping we're somewhere within 90th-10th since that's classified as 'normal'.

You are so right, it's just so hard to do. Agreed, thankful the office could fit me in this week for the amnio. Hoping results come back relatively quickly.
@justtrying I had covid with my last baby around 18 weeks pregnant and a month later was told I should be taking 1 tablet of baby aspirin per day because it was known to cause clots in the placenta which cause growth restriction, which it did. She was measuring in the 2nd percentile in some areas and the 7th in others. This started at 22 weeks pregnant and I had ultrasounds done almost every two weeks, it was so disheartening to continue to see her growth percentages go down, we were constantly worried something was wrong. We opted to be induced at 39 weeks, baby was born at 6lbs 1oz and dropped down to almost 5 lbs before we left the hospital. She is 1 and a half years old now and you would have never known she was growth restricted. No abnormalities came from it and she chunked up super fast after birth. Your doctors know what they are doing and will give you the best care possible. Just have to try and stay positive. I hope it all turns out ok!

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