15dpo VFL, could it be viable?


New member
I typically only test on days 10 and 11 and if those are negative I just wait for AF (2 miscarriages and 1 LC and I always have a positive by 10dpo). Both my 10 and 11dpo were negative but AF was due yesterday so I tested this morning when she didnt arrive. I saw the faintest line on 2 E@H tests (like a 10dpo level line).

I used ovulation strips to confirm ovulation and I have always ovulated 24hrs after a peak (based on when AF arrives). But I had a cold when I was ovulating so I'm hoping it was delayed?

Hit me with your most encouraging anecdotes. I'm really nervous this is a CP because a faint positive on 15dpo isn't promising 🥺
@longwait First off, I would take a deep breath. A positive pregnancy test is a positive no matter how faint. I know reddit is obsessed with line progression but line progression virtually means nothing in regard to a healthy pregnancy. The only way you can make sure you're progressing appropriately is to get betas done.

Anecdotally, I got a faint line at 11 dpo on a pregmate test which was darker on a first response. While my pregmate and first response tests got significantly darker over the next couple days, my easy @ home tests stayed pretty light so for me the cheapies aren't a great indicator.

Lastly, you may have ovulated late, baby took an extra day or two to implant, or your body took a little longer to ramp up your HCG to a detectable level. For now I would have the mantra today I am pregnant and keep a positive mindset.
@beepete Thanks so much for your kind response! I really appreciate the time you took to respond! I just started spotting, so I'm thinking this is another loss.
@longwait This happened to me back in July (you can see the picture from 14dpo in my post history). It was a CP.

There is pretty clear data that implantation after 12dpo is unlikely to be viable (cite).

In your case, since you're just going by OPKs and not temping, there is a little more wiggle room in your ovulation date. If you're right about your ovulation date, then I would be very cautious. Hopefully your cold pushed back ovulation and you're just earlier than you think, in which case, I think this could have a happy ending 🤞
@chriscrossan Thank you for your response!!! I'm hoping for an off chance miracle! My test was equally squinty today, and the spotting hasn't stopped. Maybe the stars will align, but I'm guarding my heart!