1-10DPO absolutely no symptoms. The only symptoms I truly had is diarrhea on 11-13 DPO, very light nausea here and there, temporary stiffness in lower left part of my back 13/14DPO. Cramping all over my abdomen but I’m not sure if it’s really cramping. I’ve felt little spasms but I don’t know. No tender breast and they look no different, no excess urination and I do feel a little fatigued but I’m usually tired anyways.
Today is 15 DPO for me. My period is two days late. It was due yesterday.
I’m very wet down there. CM is white and creamy but not thick, it’s like watery. School glue without the stickiness.
I O’d and I saw my peak so I don’t think I O’d late

I’ve been testing using Premom hcg test strips since 6DPO but I just keep getting BFNs.
FYI: This would be my first time TTC. I just got my nexplanon implant taken out on October 10. My period immediately started two days afterwards.
So for the question:
Is it possible that I’m pregnant?
I am now 17dpo and still no af. I’m still not experiencing any major symptoms either. I’m getting a little twinges here and there but no period cramping. My CM is very watery now but it was lightly stretchy and light brown yesterday(16dpo). I haven’t tested my hcg levels yet, I’m afraid I’ll get a BFN. Hopefully this is a good sign.
Today is 15 DPO for me. My period is two days late. It was due yesterday.
I’m very wet down there. CM is white and creamy but not thick, it’s like watery. School glue without the stickiness.
I O’d and I saw my peak so I don’t think I O’d late

I’ve been testing using Premom hcg test strips since 6DPO but I just keep getting BFNs.
FYI: This would be my first time TTC. I just got my nexplanon implant taken out on October 10. My period immediately started two days afterwards.
So for the question:
Is it possible that I’m pregnant?
I am now 17dpo and still no af. I’m still not experiencing any major symptoms either. I’m getting a little twinges here and there but no period cramping. My CM is very watery now but it was lightly stretchy and light brown yesterday(16dpo). I haven’t tested my hcg levels yet, I’m afraid I’ll get a BFN. Hopefully this is a good sign.