15DPO no af, BFN, no real symptoms HELP!!


New member
1-10DPO absolutely no symptoms. The only symptoms I truly had is diarrhea on 11-13 DPO, very light nausea here and there, temporary stiffness in lower left part of my back 13/14DPO. Cramping all over my abdomen but I’m not sure if it’s really cramping. I’ve felt little spasms but I don’t know. No tender breast and they look no different, no excess urination and I do feel a little fatigued but I’m usually tired anyways.

Today is 15 DPO for me. My period is two days late. It was due yesterday.

I’m very wet down there. CM is white and creamy but not thick, it’s like watery. School glue without the stickiness.

I O’d and I saw my peak so I don’t think I O’d late

I’ve been testing using Premom hcg test strips since 6DPO but I just keep getting BFNs.

FYI: This would be my first time TTC. I just got my nexplanon implant taken out on October 10. My period immediately started two days afterwards.

So for the question:

Is it possible that I’m pregnant?


I am now 17dpo and still no af. I’m still not experiencing any major symptoms either. I’m getting a little twinges here and there but no period cramping. My CM is very watery now but it was lightly stretchy and light brown yesterday(16dpo). I haven’t tested my hcg levels yet, I’m afraid I’ll get a BFN. Hopefully this is a good sign.
@jamiezav Unfortunately ovulation tests cannot confirm ovulation. They can only predict when ovulation might be about to happen. A positive ovulation test cannot guarantee ovulation will happen for sure. It’s possible to get multiple LH surges before you actually ovulate, and that is especially common in the first few cycles after stopping hormonal birth control. Since you don’t know for sure when you ovulated, it’s still possible you could end up pregnant this cycle. It’s also possible you haven’t ovulated yet.
@jamiezav As you didn’t confirm ovulation from temping, then it’s very possible, if your period doesn’t start in the next day or two, that you didn’t ovulate when you thought. Since you could have ovulated later or you might not have ovulated yet, then you could still end up pregnant this cycle if you continued to have sex past the 23rd.
@jamiezav Your symptoms don't really sound like symptoms to me really, and if you were getting all of those symptoms then you would be testing positive for sure, so do a test. If it is negative, the symptoms are not related to pregnancy in any way. If it is positive, then congrats!

Keep in mind getting your Nexplanon implant taken out will make your hormones go a bit crazy so all of the symptoms and being late for your period and anything else similar, can easily be put down to that.

If you had unprotected sex there is obviously a chance you could be pregnant, but as of right now it's way more likely that these are not pregnancy related and are more just your hormones being a lil messed up from the stopping of birth control. If you still keep getting negatives and it has been 3 or more weeks after sex, then they are definite. You are NOT pregnant
@brinonymous My AF came a couple of days later. It’s was hormonal changes from the nexplanon removal causing irregular cycles. I was able to become pregnant on my fifth month after removal (I did not TTC the third or second month) but it resulted in a MC. To avoid uncomfortable feelings I would suggest TTC at least 3 months after nexplanon implant removal, 6 months to be safe. Baby dust to you ✨