1.4 nmol/l hydroxoprogesterone


New member
Hi ladies, hoping you can help with reading my blood test results while I wait for my Endocrinologist appointment.

I’ve just received results stating my hydroxoprogesterone is 1.4 nmol/l - I’m not sure whether this is cause for concern. I’ve read that low results like this are tied to women who are post menopause and a bit worried. Also, I’ve recently been diagnosed with high prolactin and started taking dostinex to reduce this(the blood test for hydroxoprogesterone was taken before I started on dostinex) . Is this tied to my high prolactin level and will it be corrected after the dostinex treatment?

For background, I’m 31 and have been trying with my husband for a baby over a year. All other results have come back normal. I had a chemical pregnancy Mar 2021.

@kendali What cycle day was this tested on? If your prolactin is high it can prevent or delay ovulation which would thus impact the progesterone level depending on when you tested.
@exinanition This was tested on cycle day three. I was tested for prolactin three times prior to taking dostinex. First result was 50 nmol/l and then second result was 120 nmol/l (don’t recall cycle dates for these two readings). My Endo requested a test before I started dostinex to get a baseline and it came at 26.9 nmol/l (cycle day 3). Thank you so much!