vent/rant - no advice wanted

  1. D

    Baby #2 Posts

    Getting to the point where women I follow on social media that were pregnant close to the same time as me are starting to announce they are pregnant with baby #2. My first thought is “pshhhh…good luck with that. No thanks”. But then my 2nd thought is “wow, it must have been a lot easier for...
  2. G

    I’m OAD, hubby isn’t and that’s okay

    Like some, I envisioned having two kids before even getting pregnant, I felt that was the norm “they’ll always have each other”. Now…even though I knew kids would be in my future (hubby really wanted kids) I would have been okay either way if we never were able to. But we were able to conceive...
  3. W

    Wish I could, but I know better

    I have a 22 month old. I have all the common only child worries. I know he’d be a great big brother. But here’s the thing. I know better. I know what another kid means. It means sharing my body for 9 months. It means the possibility of pre eclampsia and a c section. It means sleepless nights...
  4. G

    Little things that solidify OAD

    We are potty training our only (2 y/o boy). It’s been one hour, and I’ve already cleaned up poop in my house 3 times. I was not made for potty training. My son definitely agrees. All I can think is, “I am never doing this again.” Send help. 🫠
  5. V

    I need a safe place to vent regarding the decision to be OAD and my Dr not supporting me fully

    I'm a postpartum nurse, I sometimes float to pediatrics, the nursery, and l&d if they're very short staffed. I have seen so much of the good, bad and ugly of childbirth, postpartum care, and the life of children on a pedi floor. I chose to have my son on my own as a solo parent. Y'all, it's...
  6. F

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    What the tittle says, if you could turn back in time, would you still have your child? (Knowing what you know today of course). My child is 5 y, and i'm exausted!! I'm 43 y, a stay at home mom, suffer from anxiety, and sometimes all i want to do is QUIT being a mother!!!
  7. S

    Next level rudeness

    My six year old and I did a girl’s day the other day. She got her hair cut, we went for coffee, and then we had manicures. It was kind of a big deal - I don’t get my nails done and it was my first time in over 10 years, and was my girly’s first time ever. I was really excited - it’s something...
  8. 2

    I don’t get why people want more than one

    I just had my daughter in August and in my Facebook due date group there’s moms talking about currently being pregnant again, or ttc, or looking forward to getting pregnant again, or wishing they could and I cannot even begin to understand that thought process. I’m SO DONE. The thought of...
  9. G

    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    Background: I developed HELLP syndrome at 36+6 and had to get induced, baby was born healthy but on the smaller side and luckily didn't require NICU time. My platelets got so low that I couldn't get an epidural so I had a natural birth which I was completely unprepared for mentally. I also...
  10. I

    Finally got the “when are you giving him a friend” from mom

    This weekend we took our almost six month old to see both of our families (a 2.5 hour trip one way). He did AMAZING! Husband and I were extremely anxious about the trip, worrying he wouldn’t sleep or nap or be miserable. He was totally chill (not saying this to brag as I suffere from terrible...