vent/rant - advice wanted/ambivalent

  1. A

    Sometimes I get sad

    My husband and I had never wanted kids. It was a big part of our relationship. 3 years of friendship where we piggy backed off each other on why we don't want kids. 3 years in our relationship telling people we won't be having any. Then 8 months before our wedding I was late. It was January of...
  2. T

    2 month old won’t nap during day

    My son turns 2 months old this Friday and he has been STRUGGLING with day time naps for almost two weeks. He won’t go down for more than 45 minutes at a time (if that). He then is either up and alert or crying. We allow him some self-soothing (which he was getting really good at for a while) and...
  3. R

    Guilt factoe

    I am a OAD mom. My daughter is 7 years now . Till she was 5 years , i never thought of a second child but then i started seeing all her frens getting siblings. We r a family of 3 and most ppl around us are a family of 4 or more. I was turning 40 when the thought of second baby came. I...
  4. H

    Why do I feel sad about not having another baby, when I know that I don’t want one?

    X post from r/beyondthebump I’m 34, and my husband (38) and I welcomed our son this past November. He is our pride and joy and we love him to pieces. Before we had him, we discussed being one and done, and were pretty sure that we would be. We left the door open a small crack for a second...
  5. K

    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    I am 90% OAD due to health complications* and I sometimes do wish for another child. One thing that I find oddly triggering is the thought of going on vacations with my one and only angel girl and my husband. and I KNOW that sounds super silly even as I type that. But, I love vacations, I...
  6. H


    Has anyone been successful with getting their tubes tied after the first child. I’m a 29 y/o F and I have my appointment with my OB next Thursday. I have been told no many times. I know for a fact in my heart I don’t want anymore children and my husband is on board. I guess I’m looking for tips...
  7. A

    Will i ever not be tired again?

    Our daughter is 2.5 and we have a small dog who requires a lot of attention/work. My husband and I work full time but I work some hours in evenings to reduce childcare expenses- edit- to clarify, I work shifts 12-8 a few days a week so that we can only pay for childcare 12-4 those days (mental...
  8. J

    Quality over quantity?

    Anyone else constantly getting asked or judged about not having multiple? My daughter is only 13 months, but because my husband and I both have several siblings who have multiples, it’s like we’re supposed to do the same or we aren’t as good of a parent. I don’t know when that became the goal...
  9. L

    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    Ok, so my fellow OAD first of all I salute you! My husband and I are happy one and done parents to our 5 year old daughter. We are a mixture of by choice and I've had most of my cervix removed due to cervical cancer, which makes carrying to term risky and not fun. As I'm turning 38 I'm getting...
  10. K

    Why can’t people mind their own business?

    I’ve always been of the mindset that asking people/couples about having kids shouldn’t be anybody’s damn business but themselves. I hate it when people respond to me saying we’re OAD, with “oh you gotta give them a little friend to play with”, or something to that affect. I find it offensive...