
  1. D

    “She needs a sibling,” says my sister in law

    I love my sister-in-law, I want to state that up front. My sister-in-law responded with the above message when my husband and I sent a group text to his sisters and mom with a picture of our 2.5 year old daughter in her newly-transitioned toddler bed. (It’s her crib but with the toddler rail...
  2. R

    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    My friend, who is childless, keeps telling me I will regret not having another baby. My son is 9 months and is a happy, cheeky crazy little boy. But it’s been hard. We’ve had no help or support from family (my mum died, my dad refuses as he’s “done raising kids”, husbands mum lives 2 hours away...
  3. S

    "The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."

    So, I am 100% one and done. My husband really wants more kids (after the same fashion as a boy who begged for a puppy and then left his parents with all the real work :-/ ) , but I can tell you there is a 0.000% chance of that ever happening, and it is a direct result of how utterly unfairly my...
  4. I

    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    I just had a call from my realtor to update me on some stuff. In the background his daughter was laughing and screaming and he apologized, I said ‘that’s okay, I’ll be hearing that next year anyways’, he was surprised and asked when I was due. I said March, that this was my only and I couldn’t...