
  1. D

    NICU journey day 3

    I guess I just need to vent. I feel so down today. I’m only on day 3 of a not sure how long journey. My daughter was born 3 days ago at 30w1 day w PRROM. The doctor today referred to her as a “sick baby”. Like WTF does that mean??? My daughter is on oscillator. She as born crying and breathing...
  2. J

    Husband forgetting to turn oxygen on

    I don't even know the point of this post. Maybe just a rant. I am very careful with my daughter's oxygen. She is in 0.2 l/min. For about the 3rd time I just went to my daughter who was with my husband and saw the oxygen wasn't on. It wasn't on for 1.5 hours. I could tell as her colour wasn't...
  3. W

    Really hard day

    The highs and low of the NICU rocked me today. My little boy was born at 34+4 due to pre-e. Yesterday I was crying happy tears since my little one had their first breast feed that was his entire feed! I thought it was all up from there but then today had desaturations that scared me and my...
  4. M

    36 weekers

    Had my Didi twin girls two days ago at 36+2 and they have been in the NICU since for breathing and a feeding tube. Baby A 4 lb 15 oz and baby B 4 lb 5 oz. After a traumatic c section, I’m beyond devastated to see them in this state. Any words of encouragement or similar stories people can...
  5. B

    Hurt Feelings because of Preemie/Newborn Health Precautions (and some of my own hurt)

    Some general background info: My LO was born at the end of July at 32 weeks, and is now 16 weeks (8 weeks adjusted). He came home mid-September after a 7 week NICU stay. I had a traumatic emergency c-section and have only been able to pump 3-6 oz a day since he was born (supplementing with...
  6. A

    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    Hello, we had our son who is 4 weeks old now, 5.6 lbs at 34 weeks and was in the NICU for 3 weeks. Our issue is he sleeps well during the day but at night he grunts and I mean GRUNTS non stop and won’t sleep. What can we do to help our little guy sleep more? He is always so hungry but our doctor...
  7. G

    R.O.P. appointments

    I can not for the life of me stand going to these appointments! And to make matters worse, my lo is two still going to this same doctor who seems to have no respect for anyone else's time! My lo was born at 29+2. She was in the NICU for 84 days. We brought her home and of course we had...
  8. T

    Mentally struggling not being able to hold my baby

    I had my baby via c section at 33 weeks n 2 days. She was 4lbs And is very healthy they said I'll be able to hold here in 2 to 4 days. I'm struggling so hard I cry every night, I just wanna be able to hold my baby. I got a c section 24 hours ago and I've only spent a total of 3 to 4 hours with...
  9. M

    C-section recovery w NICU baby

    This is so hard trying to recover from C-section while my baby is in the NICU ! I know the staff is there for the baby, but it’s like they don’t realize the mom is TORN UP!! I need a bed to rest in, a bathroom that is easily accessible from inside the NICU unit, nutritious food, and support...
  10. A

    PPROM at 29 weeks

    How long did you last after PPROM? I have a history of preterm labor and delivery so I was having cervical length checks until about 25 weeks. Everything was closed and I was still about 2.8cm at my last check. I was hopeful I’d make it further than my last preemie (34+0), but I guess not. I...
  11. K

    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    Hi all- I’m not a frequent poster so hopefully I’m doing this right! My baby is 6 months old and doing great, but I can’t get over the trauma of his birth. I had a super easy pregnancy and went in for induction at 40+4, at my OB’s suggestion but not for any medical reason. I got a membrane sweep...