
  1. H

    I always ovulate late (CD 19-20) but ultrasound said baby is measuring right at 7 w? Shouldn’t it be behind since I ovulated late?

    Had my 7 w 1 day ultrasound, HR of 130 and everything measured right at 7 w 1 day. The nurse practitioner said maybe I did ovulate closer to CD 14. However, I have been using opks for a year and never get a peak until at least CD 18. Not sure what to make of this. Could baby technically be...
  2. L

    MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

    Heyya all. Trigger warning for stillbirth, as usual. Well, I am a big ball of emotions. Baby is flailing it's little stubs in there. Heart rate is 180! (Please, please be a girl!) An inch long today. My due date was tweaked a day forward, so I'm 8+4 today, and I'm now due the 24th. My husband...
  3. G

    Hcg didn’t double

    Hi all! Driving myself crazy here and I know I should just let things be but it’s so hard! I had a missed miscarriage in 2020 followed by a healthy pregnancy in 2021. January 2024 I had a chemical and now I’m pregnant again. Had my first hcg at 5+0- 3,253 Repeat hcg 48 hours later at 5+2-...
  4. U

    Had my anatomy scan yesterday & *officially* joined a team!

    (Also x-posted to r/BabyBumps & r/Septemberbumpers2017, just FYI) I had my anatomy scan yesterday at 18w2d! Longer story short: the little one cooperated, everything looks good & healthy, and we found out with 100% certainty that we are definitely having a boy! (We were pretty sure we were...