trigger warning

  1. P

    my 27 week baby passed away due to infection

    they told me she has staphylococcus aureus after culture, im in so much pain and distress, she seemed to do well, dirst they gave her (habaren?) im not sure of the spelling but this is how it sounded when the pronounced it, her two fingers were blue then black then only the tips were black, she...
  2. F

    Finally had a positive test after 3 1/2 years of trying, turned into a miscarriage

    Just letting it out since I’ve been home trying to heal mentally and physically. My husband and I experienced 5 days of excitement before this weekends ER visit. After using so many tests over the years with negatives it makes you hesitant to want to open one up. After multiple doctors, blood...
  3. S

    They called us in for the conversation we very NICU parent dreads

    We are on week 10 of my 24 weeker’s NICU stay. Her course has been complicated by a difficult resuscitation at birth requiring 26 minutes of chest compressions, and then seizures starting a week after her birth. Recently, the team came to the conclusion that her spasms are not seizures, but...
  4. B

    I/P How you can help, and rules about discourse. PLEASE READ

    Hello there, I know I don't pop in enough these days but my son is almost ten now and you all give each other far more relevant information than I have on hand. It's a joy to watch this sub from a mod position as it grows and changes. I think all of you have heard by now about Hamas'...
  5. X

    Sad week9 ultrasound

    TW: loss It was supposed to be a happy day. I was supposed to get pictures to show when we share our joy. The doctor said baby stopped growing at 7 weeks. I was still having morning sickness, fatigue, food aversions, extreme breast soreness. We are devastated. This is after 3 years of trying...
  6. T

    How hard is it to conceive and have healthy baby for 35-40F?

    I’m only 28 atm, but bc I know that I don’t want children any time soon, egg freezing is something that I’ve started to look into… until I realized how horrendously expensive it is! I could realistically afford to have the procedure done by the time that I’m 30 or so, but I honestly don’t know...