tips to share

  1. Z

    T.V. in living room with newborn, is this bad?

    We have a large tv in our living room, and we have a small house. Lately I have been noticing my 3 month old gazing at the tv and sometimes she seems distracted by it. My sister is firmly against any television. However, my mom sees nothing wrong with it and says, “we had a tv going on in our...
  2. P

    raising gen “beta”

    just wondering if any new parents are having thoughts about raising the next generation! we’ve seen gen z grow up with varying levels of internet access - from use of the home desktop to having personal phones and tablets in later childhood and teen years (i am older gen z - 99 - and expecting...
  3. S

    Some tips to deal with colicky and fuzzy babies!

    Our son have had the worst colic, mostly during the nights the last few weeks and I just wanted to share with you what have helped for us to maybe help some of you out. Changing diet, cutting out dairy and kale completely Baby in squatting position, leaning on the knees while parent laying on...
  4. R

    Pregnant again 5 months postpartum

    Hi there. On December 31st I found out I was pregnant. I always have said babies are a blessing in disguise. Accidents or not. I thought I’d be thrill but I am absolutely gutted. I wasn’t even going to tell my husband it was positive because with our last pregnancy which was planned he cried...
  5. D

    How do I emotionally survive my 4 mo’s shots?

    My 4 month old has her 4 month pediatrician appointment on Friday, and I’m already dreading the vaccines. When she received her shots at the 2 month appointment, she wailed like I’ve never seen her wail, and it automatically made me cry. I did my best to stay calm so I could calm her, but it...
  6. D

    Just a gentle reminder…

    I know we are all proud parents who think our children hung the moon, but a gentle reminder that this is not a private nor vetted subreddit. It’s your prerogative, of course, but please think carefully before posting pictures or videos of your child’s face online. This sub has over 200,000...
  7. T

    Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

    First of all, everyone is okay, but we had a scare. I have an 11 week old. He usually isn't that fussy after I feed and change him, but last Monday at his 4 am feeding, it took me almost 2 hours to get him back to sleep. At his 8 am feeding, I was wondering why he still wouldn't calm down, and...
  8. S

    New dads, don’t forget to celebrate your wives tomorrow

    Dear Dads, Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. While you should be celebrating your own mom, don’t forget to also celebrate your wife, who is also a mother now. This job will fall on you for many years until your kids are at least teenagers. There are two reasons you should be doing this: You’ll be...
  9. E

    A big recommendation list for folks about to have a baby

    After having a baby in early 2023, I made a list of learnings and recommendations for friends/acquaintances who'd asked for baby advice. Definitely non-exhaustive and all my personal opinion (I don't get any commissions or anything), but I wish I found something like this list when I was...
  10. D

    Bathtime Tip - just buy the chair!!!

    You might think ‘oh it’s just another THING we will have to eventually get rid of!’ But when your baby outgrows the cute still infant tub and learns they can stand up and the edge of the tub is the PERFECT height to practice standing! And then you are stuck trying to wash little pieces of...
  11. R

    New parent tip from pediatrician

    My husband and I are fist time parents to our 5 week old. We were struggling to make a routine, and our pediatrician gave us such simple (and seemingly obvious in hindsight) advice that helped us a ton. First, focus on a flow of the day instead of a time schedule. Second, follow this acronym...
  12. O

    Labour/Postpartum/Newborn-Care Research | The help I wish I had

    Hi all, I did so much research when I had my son six months ago, that I've coordinated my reseach into one helpful post that I've been sending to other pregnant ladies in my life. I decided to post it here for anyone who needs some guidance. I also had the wonderful fortune of having midwives...
  13. B

    Parent schedule w/ 4-week old

    My husband and I are struggling to get our sleeping routine down with our 4 week old. Any tips or suggestions on what worked for your LO and family? For instance, how did you split feedings, changing, and burping responsibilities? Did you switch things up on the weekend vs weekday? I’m...