support needed

  1. K

    I’m so scared, im 7 wks 2 days. Just found out im having twins

    Oh my god im really nervous and scared! I went for a 5 wk scan a couple of weeks ago, I thought I was having one baby now finding out im having 2 is crazy!I went to a&e yesterday as I was bleeding severely, I thought I was having a miscarriage. Turns out my babies are healthy and fine, the...
  2. F

    Can you have a strong attachment if you bottle feed? Feeling sad and insecure.

    I was severely depressed for a while for not breastfeeding. I was haunted by thought I wasn’t bonding with baby as much as other moms. Having to make my baby wait while crying for the bottle to warm killed me. I exclusively pump and while that in itself is whole other exhausting story, I slowly...
  3. H

    I thought twins where bad but triplets are worse

    I have 5 yo single and 3yr old twins, we welcomed our triplets on the 10th of November and they are now a little over a month old I was fortunate enough to carry them for as long as I did they didn’t need any major nicu time the middle triplet needed a few extra tests but they where able to...
  4. B

    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    I’d like to know if I’m out of line here. My 8 month old baby is an extremely sensitive, high needs baby who hates car rides with a burning passion. If we’re in the car for more than 10 minutes she cries, screams, hyperventilates, even chokes on her spit and stops breathing. We also suspect she...
  5. B

    Cosleeping 3.5 yo Attire

    We’ve been cosleeping with our daughter her whole life on and off she has phases where she wants her big girl twin bed. Now that she’s getting older there’s less space even in the new king bed for all of us. She’s usually in the middle. I wear a tee shirt and pants or shorts to bed. My husband...
  6. E

    Will I be ok?

    Bub is 5.5 months and I’m averaging 6-7 hours of broken sleep usually but not always with 1 x 3-4 hour stretch, occasionally 6 hours+. I’d just love some reassurance that he will sleep better eventually and that my body and brain will recover from the lack of sleep and be ok one day. I...
  7. J

    Anyone else in the roommate stage? Seeking solidarity and reassurance..

    Husband and I love each other dearly and are a great team when it comes to our 14 mo. She cosleeps and wakes up rather easily if I were to leave the bed. Husband and I have 0 help from anyone, and have yet to find a person we can trust and she will accept to hire as help, so there is absolutely...
  8. E

    SIUGR baby

    TW: possible death Just left my 18 week appointment. Baby A is beautiful and in the 26th percentile. Baby B is tiny and less than 1%. Other than the size the both look great. Our MFM doctor has referred us to a nearby hospital to discuss possible RFA…letting Baby B go for the sake of A. If...
  9. L

    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    My 3 year old son will hit, kick, slap, and bite if he’s upset. I’m sure it’s developmentally normal and within reason but when he bites, it sends me into a rage. Like I just want to slap him across the face and to be honest I’ve had to stop myself. His bites leave welts and bruises on me. He...
  10. G

    6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

    Currently sitting in her nursery, it’s 4:20am and she’s been up for 1.5 hours. She’s gone from sleeping 3.5-4 hour stretches at night, to now I’m lucky if she sleeps longer than 2.5. I’m exhausted, mentally and physically. Please tell me it’s just a phase and she’s going to go back to her old...
  11. A

    First u/s showing twins

    Hi everyone! Just went through IVF fresh transfer of a 5 day embryo. Leading up to this my fiancé and sister were joking how it might be twins because my 12dp5dt beta was 906 then 1919 on 14dp5dt. I am in complete shock and don’t know what to think. We have been trying for four years and...
  12. B

    Struggling with Toddlers Roughness

    My husband and I are really struggling with our 2.5year old daughter (B.) She is the big sister to or 5 month old daughter (J.) B is really a sweet girl. She’s so excited about everything life has to offer, but she is constantly wanting to climb me, swing on me, crawl on my back. If I am doing...
  13. R

    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    I need some insight here, and maybe some encouragement, too. LO is 4.5 months and we've coslept most of his life. It's so easy to side nurse him, and he loves the snuggle spot under my armpit with my arm wrapped around him. However... Y'all, my body is KILLING me! My back was so messed up from...
  14. V

    Almost 2 1/2 year old is a stage 5 twiddler and I’m overstimulated!

    I have a brilliant, incredibly verbal delightful occasionally spicy 2 year old. Our breastfeeding journey had a rough start (tongue tie, CMPA, overactive letdown) so I’m proud we’ve been able to do it for this long. She would nurse all day if I let her, but we’re mostly down to nursing a bit at...
  15. P

    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    I am posting this here because y'all are by far the kindest and most supportive parenting community. I am a SAHM and I think I might be in burnout but I really do not know. I feel like for the past few months I have just been coasting at home. I feel like I don't pay nearly enough attention to...
  16. Y

    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    My baby is 8 months old and maybe I was naive but I thought sleep would be better by now. I guess I’m looking for encouragement and maybe some tips from seasoned parents. I’ll try to put together my thoughts in a way that comprehensible. Relevant information: -Currently nurses to sleep (he used...
  17. S

    Nonstop Begging

    I have a son that will be turning 4 next month. When he really wants something and we say No, he will then endlessly beg for it. “Please. please, please. Please can I xxxxx? Please. Please. Pleaaaaase.” He will literally do this for many many many minutes non-stop. If we continue to say No...
  18. T

    Feeling low

    Hi to all! I have a 14 month old son. He is healthy and thriving and I feel a little petty for bringing up this issue especially in the tough times we are experiencing in the world Now (war). But I stay at home with him, do contact naps, breastfeeding on demand (and not quitting until he decides...
  19. S

    Advice for juggling three year old and newborn

    I’ve got two questions really, and I hope this is the right place for both of them! I have a just turned 3 year old girl and a 9 day old newborn. My 3yo has adjusted well to the new addition, better than I could have hoped. It’s been easier than I thought to distract and entertain her during...
  20. P

    My 8 (f) year old is stealing

    Trigger warning SA My daughter was SA 2 years ago by a close family friend. I walked in while he was "massaging" himself over her exposed body. He was charged and we go to trial in Match ( 2 years and 3.5 months later). As a witness I am not allowed to talk to her about what happened. She...