success: then and now

  1. L

    3 month weigh in!

    My son was born at 33 weeks on February 27. He was an IUGR baby so he was born 3lbs 1oz. He spent 27 days in the NICU. Very fortunate to not really have an underlying conditions so his stay was just about growing and learning to eat. He had a weigh in a month ago and was up to 6lbs 12oz and we...
  2. C

    Parents of iugr and preemie babies, how are y’ll doing?

    My baby was born at 33 weeks weighing 1.67kg born early due to my extreme cholestatis! My lo is going to turn 15 months actual (12.5 months corrected) weighs about 16.5lbs(close to 7.5kgs) we are super worried about her weight and height. Besides she’s super active, hitting all her milestones...
  3. L

    Little Z

    Hi, all! My little Z is a NICU graduate and I just wanted to share my experience and encouragement. He was born a month early and had some issues feeding and was very small. My partner had a difficult pregnancy and was very I’ll with preeclampsia, which prompted a C-section in late March. He...
  4. N

    A year later... Extreme IUGR

    Hello dear NICU parents, A year ago, back in 2022 december I posted for the first time in this community. It is finally time for me to post an update.My baby boy was born a few days after the original post, on 21st of December.I had 3 weeks to prepare mentally for him being a micro preemie and...