
  1. B

    Just had a near miss with wife having newborn, now I have a healthy 2nd boy

    Dads, and in this case future dads, trust your gut. So my wife and I have been expecting our second for 36 weeks and along the way his measurements started getting "ahead" in size, most clearly by 32 weeks, creating concern of gestational diabetes (for the docs). For me however it always felt...
  2. S

    For a split second, I thought my 4 y/o was gonna get my ass kicked today

    I took my 4 y/o daughter to lunch today at a local burger joint. When we got there, the place was packed but there was room on their deck/outdoor patio that looks over the parking lot. We grab a table and we're waiting for our food when this big (and I mean big) guy on a motorcycle pulls up...
  3. H

    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    This was WAY outside my comfort zone. But besides a deeply terrifying John candy/Chevy Chase grease fire inside a very small RV it was basically the greatest time of my whole life. 🤣 She’d recently stopped letting me hold her hand, but all that went out the window as she faced the unknowns of...
  4. V

    I’m a first time dad. We have an 8 month old son. Thought I’d share a little joke I made. Dad jokes come with the territory

    Recently our son, Rowan, has started handing us his toys in an attempt to share them with us. It’s so cute. So a few nights ago it was my wife, Rowan, and I sitting on the floor playing. He handed me one of his toys and I said, “Oh are you sharin?” Then I quickly said, “oh you’re not Sharon...
  5. T

    I’m raising degenerates

    Taken my 3 kids to the QLD coast for Easter, staying in a 4th floor unit. My 12yo and 7yo boys are wet after going swimming and waiting out on the balcony for their sister to get out of the shower. I went to get changed, walk out of the bedroom and my 12yo informs me that his brother just peed...
  6. R

    Morning conversations with my 4 y/o

    Me, after noticing he was taking a really long time to eat his breakfast today: - "N, eat your breakfast, we don't want to be late for school" - "We're not late for school." - "We will be if you don't finish up, it's 7:45 already." - "It's not 7:45 already." - "Yes it is, look at the...
  7. B

    Failed as a husband and father this week

    Sorry in advance, this is going to be long and rambling but I need to get it out. Characters: Me, Big B (43), wife, H (38, 16 weeks pregnant) and son, little B (8). Background: Both H and little B have had a cold for about a week. Little B is a disgusting human being like all 8 year old boys...
  8. C

    Solo-dadding for 3 days while wife is gone, and just took it from a 0/10 night to a 10/10 morning

    So I’m on day 2 of taking care of our two boys (2 year old and 5 month old) while my wife is out of town for work. Day 1 went pretty smooth, day 2 started out well too…and then nighttime hit and these gremlins of ours decided to join forces to make sure I didn’t have a chance at going to...
  9. S

    My 3.5 y/o son is abusing the bathroom amnesty on potty talk

    Potty talk has been the height of humor for him lately, so in order to prevent our entire dinner conversation from being about eating pee-pee and po-po, we made the rule that there should be no more potty talk or jokes, which was then negotiated (“But what if I NEED to talk about pee-pee and...
  10. C

    Hospital and urgent care in one day. This SAHM is struggling.

    I’ve had a heck of a day and just need some solidarity. I have an 8 week old newborn and 2.5 year old twins. I had to take the newborn to the hospital this morning after a scary incident. I put baby down after feeding him so I could put my finished bowl of cereal in the sink. In those short 5...
  11. C

    Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown

    Sounds stupid when you read that tittle but it applied to me recently , constantly i over analyse my 10 month old and read what she should and should not be doing. In my weekly reading recently I saw my baby should be gesturing in forms of waving and able to clap… I then concerned she hadn’t...
  12. J

    A Story of the Snip - Recovery

    Previous post about Scheduling and the Surgery: The Recovery (R): R+0. Not knowing how I would feel after the procedure my dad was kind enough to volunteer to drive me home. I could have driven myself home (maybe not if I had a manual) but it was nice...
  13. M

    Saved my daughters life when she was a baby

    When my daughter was about 18 months old she ended up getting a bad cold. Fairly normal for any kid but we kept a close eye on it. After about a week it started to go away slowly. One day two weeks later we received a call from the daycare asking us to pick her up because she had a high fever...
  14. J

    Son broke up with his girlfriend because she was too “freaky”

    My 13 year old told me today that he broke up with his girlfriend of a few of days because she was sending him explicit pictures and videos and it was too much for him. I am very proud of him for having boundaries and sticking to them and then she said “all boys are the same”. Makes me think...
  15. K

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    This morning, I dropped off my 7 yr old for her 2nd day ever of in-person school (she loves 2nd grade so far), and I decided to take the 4 yr old to the park afterward. She hit the swings, we walked down a path in the woods singing "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" and "Do Your Ears Hang Low"...
  16. A

    "Dad, you play D&D?!" [x-post from /r/DnD]

    Was suggested I crosspost this here. 'sup other Dads? I have a couple of sons. 10 & 14. Got to say I'm more than a little proud of how I've shamelessly manipulated their interests over the past decade. The books I've read to and with them, the movies we've watched together, the games...
  17. B

    I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night

    Last night I woke up at around 2 AM to find my 3 yr old had left her room and was sitting on the couch in the front room looking at the stars. My first instinct was to get after her about being up at such a late hour and to shoo her back to her room, but after walking over and talking to her...
  18. S

    I’ve got a good one for you guys…“Daddy what’s this sticky stuff?”

    Small background, my son is roughly three and a half. He sleeps in his bed and I sleep on a trundle on the floor next to his bed. Mom currently spends her nights with the 9 month old. I sleep in his room with him because he’s got some anxiety issues (ped legit told us she would diagnose him with...
  19. T

    Message from other parent after our sons party

    We had a party yesterday for our son's 3rd birthday. One of the other mums sent the following texts to my wife last night...and I'm still a blubbering mess this morning... "Such a fantastic party! Thank you for inviting us. And L is such a lovely, caring little man. He’s friendly and confident...
  20. C

    Uncontrolled sobbing at my wife telling me I am safe and loved

    My dad (died in 17) had 3 brothers, one of which the family is almost completely gone. Every member of my uncle’s family has been arrested: parents for domestic violence/drug possession/theft/fraud, each of the 3 children for either theft/drug possession/possession with intent. The mother and...