stay-at-home parents

  1. T

    SAHM and Spouse WFH

    I am a SAHM. My husband WFH. Our son is six months old. There are MANY benefits to this setup, and I wouldn’t change it at all! I love that we both get to be so present in our child’s life and each other’s, and I love that we support one another. Nonetheless I wanted to see how other people...
  2. C

    How to avoid jealousy?

    Sometimes I’m just so utterly jealous of my husband. He has a wonderful 9-5 and on Fridays he’s off at noon. What makes it even better is he works from home and can take his time with lunch or finish a bit earlier if he’d like. He’s so lucky to have the job he does and it pays well, too. He’s...
  3. N

    Any tips for a very active 7mo?

    Hey parents we have a very, very active 7mo. She will wiggle, flop, crawl and stand up, she'll wake up in the middle of the night and start doing all this. If I don't actively push to sleep she'll just stay awake and stay active, like really active. Yesterday we missed her sleep window, it's...
  4. C

    Is this housework?

    Sewing is my one great hobby. It also entails embroidery and quilting. I mostly sew for others especially my 3 y/o son, so (since this year) almost all his clothes are self-made. Of course I'm also the one to care for household items, like sewing table cloth, curtains, bike covers, etc and a lot...
  5. G

    Coronavirus: Parenting Q&A

    Losing your mind at home? Here are some tips from a psychologist that might help you talk to your kids, your spouse, and yourself during these uncertain times. (hopefully, this is cool to post; feel free to take it down if not...
  6. A

    Struggling and maybe regretting SAHP decision??

    I’m struggling lately. My 4.5 and 2 year old are really wearing me out. I was so into gentle parenting before I decided to stay with them (about 6 months ago) and now I just fly off the handle and yell. They fight with each other all the time. Before they were apart much more and so there wasn’t...
  7. T

    I need some input

    I currently am home with my 6 month old and my 2.5yo goes to preschool. He’s been there for a year and has friends and loves his teachers. However, I’m really missing him at home. Would it be terrible for me to withdraw him and stay home with him until he goes to pre-k (he’d go at 5 since he has...
  8. H

    I feel so guilty

    My daughter is almost 2 and things have been rough lately. I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant with number 2 and I’m struggling so bad with the guilt of not enjoying this time with my daughter. I feel like in 5 years I’m going to look back on this time and want to kick myself for not enjoying it...
  9. M

    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    I'm currently 10 weeks pregnant and am having a hard time actually wanting to get down on the floor and play with my daughter. Usually I take her out in the morning and afternoon to a park because she is a very active girl but I was tired of doing this even before I got pregnant because there's...
  10. T

    Your unconventional schedules and scheduling “hacks”

    I’m curious to hear what sort of unusual/unconventional schedules you follow as SAHP with your kids. For example, does everyone get a bath at 10am? Eat dinner at 4pm? I’m looking for some potential “hacks” to work into our daily routine which has gone all topsy turvy recently. My 3.5yo goes to...
  11. M

    Because I know it’s not said enough!

    Your all doing great! Keep ur head up! I see u doing the dishes, dressing, bathing, feeding, projects being planned, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, doctor visits…. I see u! Even if it’s spread out thru the week I see u! This is especially tru during sick season!!!! All the night time...
  12. B

    What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

    Just curious what your family plans to do! I’m having trouble deciding what I’d like this year.
  13. C

    How do I tell my husband to have a little more empathy for me as a sahm?

    Recently he was upset that I forgot to wash his uniform for work. I’ve been exhausted because my 1 year old is teething and suckling all night and my 2 year old is hyper af. So I forgot to wash his clothes the night before. I woke up at 5 am and the pants he did have clean had a hole in them...
  14. C

    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    I have a 2 year old and I’m 3 months pregnant with our second. I wanted to be a sahp after our first but it wasn’t the best financial decision at the time. We’ve started to live on 1 income and banking my salary once I found out I was pregnant, it’s been tough but doable. I’m planning on...
  15. Q

    Need Sleep

    Are you EXHAUSTED? Are you OVERWHELMED with motherhood? Does being a mom feel like never ending sleepless nights, overtired and cranky babies/kids, endless chores and tasks? I hear you Mama and I am here for you! Join me for a ***F R E E*** 5 day sleep seminar on baby, toddler, pre-schooler...
  16. M

    3 Week Old, Baby Blues, First Time Mom,Help? (x-posted from /r/mommit)

    Hi, my name is Frankie, (age: 23) I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy boy named Lokii on 1.24.2014, and this is my first post in any community so, here goes.. It's been three weeks since my csection and I have been feeling overwhelmingly weepy, hopeless, and like a failure to my son because I'm...
  17. S

    Plrease read this if you are expecting a baby or have a baby aged between 0-3 weeks! From the University of Toronto, about a Canada-wide study

    Hello, I hope your day is going wonderful! Congratulations are certainly in order for your expected delivery or newborn babies! My name is Stella, a research assistant at the University of Toronto. Currently we are running a Canada-wide study that specifically focuses on new parents with...
  18. D

    I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us

    Of course I’m the SAHP but my husband is a business owner and works from home with a very flexible schedule. Of course he could go with us to our outings which are 1-3 hours every few days but he never comes. When I show him pictures, he gives a sad face and says I wish I could have been there...
  19. J

    What did your kids have for lunch this week

    Include age ranges too please! I'm in a lunch rut and as my littlest's appetite has grown we have less dinner leftovers for lunch haha.