side effects!?

  1. T

    Junel FE 1.5/30 - switch from 1/20 to 1.5/30, possible no period?

    Hi everyone, This month I switched from 1/20 to 1.5/30 due to the amount of cramping from the lower dose and how it was making me feel emotionally. I took 1/20 for a year and some months and my gyno made the switch for me to the higher dosage. I am currently on day 2 of placebo and it just...
  2. D

    never been on birth control. 28 (f). periods are painful. don’t love the idea

    I have an appointment to see my doctor today and have always been against the idea of birth control; no offense to anyone on it but I don’t like the idea of a pill regulating my cycle and the hormones aren’t always good for someone who has a mental illness such as depression like I do. I am at...
  3. M

    Weird-y period-u

    So.. I got my copper coil inserted just over a month ago, I still have my (expired) implant in because they're not doing removals ATM because of COVID. I've had a normal period in the week following my insertion, and had 1 day of random bleeding about 10days before my cycle was due but I'm now...
  4. D

    Copper IUD inserted in August (little over 7 months) and I haven't stopped bleeding since

    Hi I'm just curious if anyone else has had this issue w/ their copper IUD? I was on the pill from like 15-21 and then decided the pill was negatively affecting my mental health and it felt nice to live life without hormonal BC esp. during the pandemic and after a devistating loss in my life...
  5. R

    Period that’s lasted for 3+ months

    Long story short- I’ve struggled with BC since I couldn’t get what BC worked well for me anymore back in 2021 … my Dr put me on a sample of nextstellis and I started cramping so bad to where I couldn’t move and passing almost lemon sized blood clots. I took myself off cold turkey and have said I...
  6. C

    9 days on Slynd

    So I started Slynd 9 days ago and experienced the headaches and dehydration immediately but have been able to combat that with additional water intake and ibuprofen but then I started my period 3 days ago (early) and have been dealing with these super crazy muscle spasms in my right hand and arm...
  7. T

    2 Plan B’s in 1 Cycle - late period

    Okay going to try and make this simple. FYI using pullout method (not the best I know)… I was just prescribed BC pills but can’t take them until the Sunday after my NEXT period which I’m waiting for, FYI he’s never finished inside me… so here we go: Had unprotected sex the day after my period...
  8. S

    Skyla IUD causing increased breast size?

    Hey yall— I was starting to get a little anxious over some side effects I’ve been having and can’t for the life of me get in contact with my doctor so obviously the next stop was Reddit. I have had the SKYLA iud collectively >4 years (3 years the first go around and now the new one I got in...
  9. M

    Strange Skyla IUD Symptoms (Long Post)

    I have such a specific situation, and no actual gynecologist due to switching insurances (I've been seeing whoever's available first/the soonest at whatever clinic for the last several months) that I figured I'd just go ahead and explain my situation and ask my questions. I broke this post into...
  10. N

    Didn’t get my period for more than 2 years, even while taking the pill

    Iv (F26) had a problem with my period and no doctor so far has been able to help. I get really frustrated because I went to several internists, 3 gynecologists and two endocrinologists and it seems like they don’t really feel a need to solve it? So I haven’t gotten my period in more than 2...
  11. W

    Copper IUD post abortion P A I N

    Hi! I had a copper iud placed yesterday, and last night was hit with a lot of bleeding (soaked through two pads). Today I was still bleeding and then an hour ago I started having the worst pain to the point of me crying and calling in sick from work. I passed some clots last night and today...
  12. P

    It's been 7 days since I haven't had my period. Should I be worried?

    Recently started taking pills. I started on January 6, 2024 while I had my period. Then got my second bleeding on Jan. 29- Feb. 2. I've been taking it on time and consistently, my concern now is that I haven't gotten my bleeding for 7 days. But I have been having painful cramps. Well, I think...
  13. C

    Liletta, give me hope y’all!

    Listen, I just need some reassurance that even though I seem to be getting all the side effects possible that there’s hope everything will even out in the end. I have been spotting for 3 weeks straight, so bloated my pants don’t fit, crazy heat sensitivity/hot flashes, emotional...
  14. T

    No more period on bc patch

    So I’ve been on Xulane (birth control patch) x 8 months now.. I always take it off the 4th week to allow my period to occur. However this time, I missed my period. I found it weird. Negative pregnancy test (but might retest again). I put the new patch on but now I am experiencing minimal...
  15. S

    pH/burning sensation

    I had Skyla for almost 10 years. I’ve read that it can affect one’s pH levels during most phases of the menstrual cycle. That theory would align with a bout of recurring BV I experienced between 2 and 6 years ago. I met my current sexual partner 4 years ago, and since then him I experienced a...
  16. C

    Small hard lump (possible small hematoma) after self administered Depo SubQ?

    Hello! Maybe some nurses or SubQ users can help me out. I just administered my first Depo SubQ, I was previously using Depo IM administered at a clinic, but I recently moved, was briefly uninsured and after 2 very expensive and disappointing visits to GYNs ($200-$300 with insurance just for a...
  17. N

    Spotting brown/black blood for almost 3 weeks

    Okay so I’ve been on birth control continuously for 4 years. I have a rare auto immune disease that makes me allergic to the progesterone that my body creates. When I have my period I break out in hives all over that are more like welts. I’m worried that I’m actually getting my period and I’m...
  18. C

    I (21f) just got a kyleena iud and I’m not attracted to my boyfriend(22m). Is this a normal thing that happens?

    I just got an iud and I don’t really want to put in effort being around my boyfriend anymore. I just don’t care to go over to his house or have sex. We haven’t been together long and maybe it’s just the new hormones but I’m starting to get a little unattracted to him. Are these feelings normal...
  19. P

    Kyleena IUD causing severe vertigo?

    I have had my Kyleena IUD for about 10 months and have loved it up to this point. I did not think I had any side effects to it (although now that I have been researching it maybe I have) anyways, 6 days I had sudden onset severe vertigo which has had me bed bound since. I spent 3 days in the...
  20. D

    Been on Blisovi fe for 8 months and I have been having two short periods a month since month 4/5 what is causing this?

    Started in June and since about September or October I would have spotting or a very light period around day 14/15 of my cycle. and then my period comes when it’s supposed to each time. I’m confused as to why this is happening. I am scheduling an appointment with my gynecologist soon to get put...