seeking links to research

  1. R

    Challenging my doctor’s potentially old school advice on solid food for baby

    I’m looking for sources which I can reference in discussion with my family doctor about my 6.5 month old eating solids. Background: at my sons 6 month check up we discussed starting solids. I’d started slowly at 5.5 months (when he showed signs of readiness) with a mostly BLW based approach...
  2. J

    HepB Vaccine for Newborn

    Hello, our baby is being delivered via scheduled c-section on Thursday at 37w1d due to placenta complications. I am filling out the pre-paperwork and have agreed to Vitamin K, eye ointment, but the HepB vaccine is giving me pause. Let me be clear, my baby WILL get the HepB vaccine. However, at 3...
  3. A

    What evidence is there that repeated COVID infections won’t negatively impact a child’s health over time?

    I’m a new parent and lean incredibly cautious with my five month old primarily because I do still feel like COVID is a novel virus and I don’t yet know or understand the longterm ramifications of repeated, annual infection on children. The below thread on this subreddit and the accompanying...
  4. E

    Hep B vaccine

    Can anyone help me understand why is Hep B given right at hospital, versus other vaccines are done at 2,4,6 months? I’ve looked through all the CDC stuff and nothing explains why that timing (except worried about silent carriers, etc). Why isn’t it also given at 2 months, etc? I’d think giving...
  5. I

    Breastmilk amount per bottle

    Looking for research please! My in laws are driving me up a wall. My baby is exclusively breastfed, I pump when I’m at work and nurse on demand when I’m home. When I’m at work (out of the house for 9 hours/ day) baby consumes a 4oz bottle every 2-3.5 hours and averages about 12oz total when I’m...