scholarly discussion - no anecdotes

  1. H

    Swimming lessons at 6 months? Chlorinated pool?

    I live in Australia and I am considering putting my daughter in baby swimming lessons.. the classes I'm looking at are just gentle exposure to being in the water, with the parent. I'd like her to learn to swim and be comfortable in water early, which is why I'm considering this. Just wondering...
  2. O

    Symptomatic bacterial strep throat in toddler: antibiotics?

    What's the current thought on this? General recommendations online are to treat with antibiotics to prevent complications. But antibiotics cause complications. Would it be reasonable, e.g., to wait a couple of days after onset to see if condition improves? (N.B. that I understand that Reddit is...
  3. G

    Possums Sleep - Science Based?

    I regularly see Possums Sleep recommended as a science-based infant sleep approach, rooted in research. Data on its effectiveness appears to be mixed. This study (157 mother infant pairs), for example, found that while breastfeeding rates increased in the group exposed to the Possums sleep...
  4. E

    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    I’m curious about the reason behind differences between recommendations around the TDaP vaccine between the US and Canada. (Other countries as well obviously, I’m just speaking about US/Canada as a direct comparison) I’m in Canada and was given a booster at around 28 weeks as per guidelines...