relationship questions (any type of relationship)

  1. G

    Income keeps going up but husband doesn’t want to outsource any chores

    My husband and I are high income. I came from a middle class background, he’s from a lower-middle class background. We’ve been together over five years, married with a one year old. Moved into a much bigger house last year and with that have more chores. Laundry. Cleaning. Lawn care. Dishes...
  2. T

    should i be offended by this Q from my direct report?

    need a gut check on how offended i should be. about two weeks after i announced my first pregnancy at work and even before parental leave backfill interviews happened, one of my direct reports (M) asked me: if one of her peers (J) who also reports to me took the temporary backfill role and...
  3. J

    How often do you have date night with your partner?

    Basically the title. We have a 3yr old and a 1yr old and have been trying to do a regular date night once a month but it is really hard to plan that. I especially feel guilty asking our nanny to either stay later some weeknight or come on a weekend. Any tips around how to prioritize spending...
  4. 1

    those who don’t live near family: how do you spend your vacations?

    my husb is a resident and gets 3 1-week vacations per year. this past year, after the birth of our son (now 9 mo) we spent these vacations as follows: (1) visiting (& staying w) his parents in NYC (2) split bw visiting his grandma in SF and my parents in LA (3) visiting his grandpa in phoenix...
  5. R

    Unhelpful husband

    How are you mamas handling a husband who is less than helpful? I am mentally struggling to do it all. We both work full time but I earn 2.5x what my husband does and I completely manage the home e.g., handling finances, planning meals, making appointments, etc. He takes the trash every night...
  6. K

    a question of entitlement

    one parent wfh, one in office (self-employed) (parent b). kids have the day off. that morning, at 830, parent b walks to the door and says goodbye. parent a grimaces. parent b is annoyed by that reaction, asks for an explanation. parent a answers: you’re leaving me as free childcare without...
  7. 1

    Pls help. Irrationally angry w husband :(

    Relevant background info: I work full time as a consultant, which is flexible but also demanding. My husband is a resident in a surgical specialty. I work ~9 hours a day (8:30a to 5p, then light work in the evenings after LO is down), and my husband works ~12 hours a day (6a to 6p). We have a...
  8. C

    The Mostly Good-Enough Husband

    (New throwaway for this post, but long-time member on my main account.) We see a lot of posts about husbands who really suck at being partners and parents, and we see a few about awesome, Bandit-style husbands (we don’t watch Bluey in this house yet, but iunderstoodthatreference.gif). I find...
  9. M

    Is it time for a divorce?

    Partly venting, partly interested to hear other people's perspectives. The relationships dynamic has been "tElL mE wHaT yOu nEed fRoM mE." Except when I do, he ignores me or throws a hissy fit, so my options are to give up or let the anger build up until I explode and it's back to "well I'm so...