
  1. H

    Reasons for having another child?

    This post isn’t about me deciding whether I want to have a second child but I’d like to know what other people’s reasons for doing so are. I’ve googled this and get answers like “it’s easier the second time because you know what you’re doing”, “labour might be easier” and “you get to pick out...
  2. H

    I don’t think I can have a second without my village

    In my soul I want a second child so badly. My son is almost 2, and the terrible twos are definitely tough but I know they won’t last. But in my mind I just can’t seem to logically justify having a second without family support. My parents live in another state, 3 hour plane ride away. Right...
  3. N

    8 months into 2nd kid

    I posted this a while back (old account, but it was me) and I just thought I'd give an update. We are now 8 months into 2 kids! Almost 3.5 year old boy and 8 month old girl. The best parts: We are more relaxed and able to enjoy the...