
  1. L

    I'm ready to throw Gen Z into a fire

    Obviously I'm generalizing with the title but I have set up 6 phone interviews for a weekly sitter and ALL of them ghosted me. This is not the first time. I cannot comprehend how you don't keep an appointment for possible employment or at least cancel. A person is taking time out of their day to...
  2. N

    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    My MCN: "Were you stressed while pregnant?" "Yes, aside from the frequent medical issues during my pregnancy, I had x, y and z happen. I'm still going through y and z." My MCN: "That makes sense then. Being so stressed while pregnant can make your baby need extra support and reassurance once...
  3. J

    “Didn’t you see them do that last time?!”

    Guys, it’s only 8AM and I’m over it 🙃 I get up, get my daughter up, and as I’m throwing her poopy diaper out back, she starts getting into a bag of recyclables that my husband left on the floor by the back door. So, I grabbed the bag and stuck it outside. Move on, let my dogs in, fed them...
  4. 1

    Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

    My son is 9 months old. My son has severe food allergies that require us to carry an epipen everywhere. One of them is eggs. We had a potluck at our church today and I set him up in the highchair at the table next to my husbands grandmother and gave him puffs. They’re a safe food and he loves...
  5. M

    Sick of everyone trying to buy baby shoes

    Yes LO is walking but it's not even summer. He's not going outside where shoes are necessary yet and we plan on taking him to stride right to get him properly fitted. But everyone wants to buy him shoes. When I say he's not wearing shoes indoors people feel personally attacked. HoW WiLl HiS...
  6. T

    6 weeks postpartum… I’m exhausted.

    Sitting here at 4:30 am unable to fall back asleep. Baby and toddler have both been up throughout the night multiple times. Husband is sleeping in a different part of the house, so I had to tend to them both per usual. Baby still wakes after 2 hour stretches of sleep. Still has a poor shallow...
  7. T

    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    I’m so sick of getting asked this. If you’re capable of driving or getting a ride, why can’t you come to our house?? Do people without kids / grown kids not realize I have to pack up the baby, the diaper bag, and the travel bassinet, to go hang out at their house. Not to mention the things I...
  8. A

    THANKS I’m cured!!

    Me ftm with PPA, to mom “friend”: yeah, I’m experiencing a lot of germaphobia and anxiety over little one getting sick. “Friend”: WELL, yOu ArE gOiNg tO hAvE tO jUsT gEt OvEr tHaT rEaL qUiCk. Kids are GeRm magnets especially when they start dAyCaRE. … ohhhh I should “just get over it”...
  9. F

    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    https://slate.com/human-interest/2022/03/instagram-reels-kids-peak-experience-guilty.html I keep seeing Instagram and TikTok videos with little kids doing cute stuff and the voiceover says something to the effect of “they’re only this little for 4, maybe 5, years.” It always rubbed me the wrong...
  10. P

    I’m just f%cking tired

    ::Edit:: Wow. I wrote this and then went to bed.. Thank you for all of the kind words and solidarity! We will continue to fight another day. You aren’t alone and I see you. I was gonna write this really eloquent thing about 3rd wave feminism and being a working mom. But I think I’ll just say...
  11. F

    "bAbIeS aRe EaSy AfTeR 3 mOnThS"..

    Is such a freaking lie! Our little one has been nothing but combative; eating schedule is completely off and now she's not sleeping. People saying that 3 months is the magic mark is such a dick move. Why say something like that to someone who is sleep deprived and looking forward to a reprieve?!
  12. I

    Comments about baby’s weight

    Why in the world do people think it’s okay to make negative comments about a baby’s weight? My baby is on the bigger side and does have some little fat rolls and chunky cheeks but according to her pediatrician is right on track for her growth curve and is healthy. Some of the comments I have...