
  1. A

    Can we be honest for a minute here?

    I used to love being a SAHP and I probably still do, but I hate it under these conditions. One year, two months and 23 days ago we began virtual pre-K (now K) for my oldest and working remotely for my wife. Also have two younger ones including an infant. I feel like this will literally never...
  2. R

    “GeT rEaDy!”

    My brother, who has a 2 year old boy, keeps sending me and my partner photos of his kid doing annoying things and saying, “get ready!” As if we’re about to join some miserable club. But, like, maybe our daughter won’t pull all the toilet paper off the roll for fun or maybe I won’t hate my life...
  3. L

    Having another seems less possible every day

    My husband(39M) and I(34F) have a 3 (almost 4) year old. When I was pregnant we discovered I am a carrier of 2 genetic conditions, one of which is x-linked. After intense discussion my husband and I decided that if we have a second we will use IVF with pgt-m. Unfortunately the pandemic and now...
  4. L

    Why are pregnancy clothes hideous?

    UPDATE: thanks everyone, glad to know I’m not the only one who hates maternity clothes 🤣🤣. What I ended up doing is I rounded up all the clothes like tshirts dresses and trousers with elastic bands that were quite big on me pre pregnancy ( I like either crop tops or very loose stuff in general...
  5. B

    I feel like such a f**k up

    So I went on maternity leave 2 weeks ago and now I have to go back to work, and it's no one's fault but my own. I never checked if I had enough hours to qualify for maternity leave and I'm 57 hours short... Thankfully my boss is letting me come back 2 days a week, but that means I need to work...
  6. A

    They can't make up their mind

    I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension. I am also Obese. However despite everything my blood pressure has remained good at every appointment since my diagnosis and I am not being medicated for my blood pressure. Personally I think my highest readings should be...
  7. P

    dOn'T sTrESs, iT's bAD fOR tHe BaBY

    I know a lot of people mean well when they say this and believe me, I'm doing my best to chill. Being afraid of negative feelings has the opposite effect though, I've never met a person who relaxed when you tell them tell "relax" It's been medically proven that you need to be under a metric...
  8. S

    yOuR bOdY iS mAdE fOr ThIS

    Full disclaimer, I completely understand how this line can give people comfort and if that works for you, super! But I’m really tired of reading this line at 31 weeks. Idk, maybe it’s because I’ve been see-sawing between hungry because the smaller portion I’m eating to help with heartburn...
  9. A

    I have too much on my plate

    Venting. Have a 2 year old and a 9 month old. First of all, we’re going on a cruise this summer and my parents and brother’s family are coming too. My mom is INSISTENT that my toddler and my nephew (2) are both potty trained by then so they can go in the pool (no swim diapers allowed). I am...
  10. L

    I hate this place

    I just want to start by saying WTF is up with America and health insurance and family leave. First my hospital bill for a c section and a 4 night stay was 56k. That is literally more than I make in a year. I don’t even have that in student loan debt. If I did not have insurance I would have...
  11. C

    How to avoid jealousy?

    Sometimes I’m just so utterly jealous of my husband. He has a wonderful 9-5 and on Fridays he’s off at noon. What makes it even better is he works from home and can take his time with lunch or finish a bit earlier if he’d like. He’s so lucky to have the job he does and it pays well, too. He’s...
  12. P

    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    Seriously. I know this has been posted a few times but I need to vent it myself. I'm convinced that anyone who says this has either never been pregnant or have completely forgotten what the last 2 weeks or so are like. I will absolutely lose it if I hear anyone else tell me that I will have...
  13. B

    How it feels to be a pregnant person who got the J&J vaccine 4 days before it was banned

    ... It feels not great. I went against my OB’s recommendation not to get this vaccine because I’m high risk otherwise (plus size, asthma) and I’m so sick of living in fear. Went to get the jab Friday morning, they wouldn’t even tell me it was J and J until I arrived on-site. I was surprised...
  14. C

    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    I have a 2 year old and I’m 3 months pregnant with our second. I wanted to be a sahp after our first but it wasn’t the best financial decision at the time. We’ve started to live on 1 income and banking my salary once I found out I was pregnant, it’s been tough but doable. I’m planning on...
  15. D

    I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us

    Of course I’m the SAHP but my husband is a business owner and works from home with a very flexible schedule. Of course he could go with us to our outings which are 1-3 hours every few days but he never comes. When I show him pictures, he gives a sad face and says I wish I could have been there...
  16. B

    Post on r/women surprised me

    Someone posted about being scared about pregnancy. They are not pregnant, but the idea is very intimidating to them (I totally get it) She was explaining how she has watched a bunch of videos on TikTok about reasons not to get pregnant, read birth horror stories, and heard some not so great...
  17. H

    Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

    I’m terrified for the pregnant part not so much bringing the child up. I’m scared how I’ll feel all day I have to work and I’m scared the symptoms are going to be too much. What should I be expecting ? 32 never been pregnant
  18. S

    Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

    I'm 29 wks with twins. For the last few weeks without fail, I wake up 4am to them doing Irish dancing all over my womb. Except early this morning. So I went and had a glass of juice and an apple. Went back to bed, some movement but reduced. So we went to my local maternity A&E. The midwife...
  19. H

    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    Every time I mention to someone that I’m not sleeping well, their response is always “dO YoU HaVe a PreGNancY PiLloW?” Yes, I do and honestly it’s not a magical pillow that is going to put me straight to sleep. I almost want to throw it off my bed at this point.
  20. K

    Give your best line for “no”

    MiL is pressing hard for a whole family vacation. I have stated my boundaries of no vacation with BiL and SiL many times. They are from a different planet with parenting ideals. They have a one year old and think my kids are “bad” with age appropriate behaviors for a four and two. My children...