
  1. C

    How to avoid jealousy?

    Sometimes I’m just so utterly jealous of my husband. He has a wonderful 9-5 and on Fridays he’s off at noon. What makes it even better is he works from home and can take his time with lunch or finish a bit earlier if he’d like. He’s so lucky to have the job he does and it pays well, too. He’s...
  2. P

    SlEeP NoW bEfOrE tHe BaBy gEtS hErE

    Seriously. I know this has been posted a few times but I need to vent it myself. I'm convinced that anyone who says this has either never been pregnant or have completely forgotten what the last 2 weeks or so are like. I will absolutely lose it if I hear anyone else tell me that I will have...
  3. B

    How it feels to be a pregnant person who got the J&J vaccine 4 days before it was banned

    ... It feels not great. I went against my OB’s recommendation not to get this vaccine because I’m high risk otherwise (plus size, asthma) and I’m so sick of living in fear. Went to get the jab Friday morning, they wouldn’t even tell me it was J and J until I arrived on-site. I was surprised...
  4. C

    Countdown until I will be a sahm

    I have a 2 year old and I’m 3 months pregnant with our second. I wanted to be a sahp after our first but it wasn’t the best financial decision at the time. We’ve started to live on 1 income and banking my salary once I found out I was pregnant, it’s been tough but doable. I’m planning on...
  5. D

    I can’t let my husband’s inabilities hinder us

    Of course I’m the SAHP but my husband is a business owner and works from home with a very flexible schedule. Of course he could go with us to our outings which are 1-3 hours every few days but he never comes. When I show him pictures, he gives a sad face and says I wish I could have been there...
  6. B

    Post on r/women surprised me

    Someone posted about being scared about pregnancy. They are not pregnant, but the idea is very intimidating to them (I totally get it) She was explaining how she has watched a bunch of videos on TikTok about reasons not to get pregnant, read birth horror stories, and heard some not so great...
  7. H

    Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

    I’m terrified for the pregnant part not so much bringing the child up. I’m scared how I’ll feel all day I have to work and I’m scared the symptoms are going to be too much. What should I be expecting ? 32 never been pregnant
  8. S

    Felt like a fool for going to A&E with reduced fetal movement

    I'm 29 wks with twins. For the last few weeks without fail, I wake up 4am to them doing Irish dancing all over my womb. Except early this morning. So I went and had a glass of juice and an apple. Went back to bed, some movement but reduced. So we went to my local maternity A&E. The midwife...
  9. H

    Pregnancy pillows are overrated

    Every time I mention to someone that I’m not sleeping well, their response is always “dO YoU HaVe a PreGNancY PiLloW?” Yes, I do and honestly it’s not a magical pillow that is going to put me straight to sleep. I almost want to throw it off my bed at this point.
  10. K

    Give your best line for “no”

    MiL is pressing hard for a whole family vacation. I have stated my boundaries of no vacation with BiL and SiL many times. They are from a different planet with parenting ideals. They have a one year old and think my kids are “bad” with age appropriate behaviors for a four and two. My children...
  11. M

    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    Is anyone else a SAHP because you can’t afford NOT to be? I love being a SAHM but I also have to be bc if I was paying for daycare, it’d cost about 75%+ of my income. That’s assuming I could even get a spot at a daycare. I’d rather be home with my baby myself than make a little bit more money...
  12. L

    No preschool?

    Did any of you choose to skip preschool for your little? My baby is under a year but I already have people asking me about preschool, when I’m going back to work, etc. when I’m reality, we are trying for a 2nd have 0 plans to go back to work and plan on skipping preschool. The other night when...
  13. K

    OH mY gOd yOu'Re sO bIG!

    I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my second baby and never quite lost the bump after my first, so I look like I'm showing quite prominently. People (mostly my mum, but others also) seem to take great joy in telling me how HUGE I am, my dates MUST BE wrong, surely there isn't just ONE baby in there? It...
  14. D

    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    Like seriously F off. And screw the equality argument. As if women aren’t doing literal work too. Or is it not equal because it’s “womens work”. If someone was a nanny and made 50k a year, is it still lazy???? Mega eye roll.
  15. M

    He’s SUCH a Good Dad: A Moms V. Dads Expectations Rant

    We all know about how annoying it is when dads get praised for being “such a good dad” for simply doing their part, but moms are just expected to do all those things (i.e., feeding the baby, changing diapers, basic participation). But I didn’t realize it would start in pregnancy. Yesterday I...
  16. D

    I’m so sick of feeling like I’m always doing something wrong…

    Sorry I feel like I’m going to explode and this is sub makes me feel like I have a community. My husbands attitude toward me last night was such a slap in the face and I’m having a hard time talking myself down. He’s been working 14 hr days most of this week and yesterday he informed me he...
  17. A

    I am so f*cking sick of this nausea

    At 6 weeks I was like “psh this pregnancy is easy! I’m probably going to be one of those women who just has a really easy pregnancy” (I do this mostly to try to manifest it to come true rather than just being a dumb b*tch) I hit 7 weeks and basically from That Day Forth I’ve had an unrelenting...
  18. A

    29 weeks and baby measuring 3 lb 9.5 oz. I'm terrified

    My last two babies were 6 lb 11 oz and 6 lb 15oz. They say with this one being over 3.5 lb at 29 weeks I'm looking at a 9 to 11 lb baby. And just thinking about this terrifies me and makes my vagina hurt. I'm happy she's healthy but hiw am I suppose to squeeze such a big baby out of me without...
  19. C

    Me: Two and done; Wife: Feels the need for three

    TLDR: The Title So my wife and I now have two children. The oldest is a boy who is nearly 3 y/o and our second born is a girl who is 1.5 y/o. We first had the discussion for one and likely two and she brought up three and I said no, before she was first pregnant with our first, to which she...
  20. M

    So g-d thirsty

    I drink water all day, but come 7pm, I need to chug endless ounces of ice water. Really perfect right before going to bed. Anyone else?