
  1. S

    How to smell good in a nontoxic way?

    I haven’t worn body spray in like 7 years. Mainly because fragrances give me an immediate migraine. Not sure why. But I definitely can’t wear perfume. I also know it’s toxic anyway. I want to smell girly. Idk I just want to feel more feminine and look/smell feminine. I heard of someone using...
  2. W

    Will my toddler ever stop fighting bedtime? It's been 6 months..

    I'm not sure where the best place to post this is but I appreciate you guys so I thought to ask here. My almost 3 year old used to go to bed so easily. A little protesting here and there but nothing like what it's been for the past 6 months. With occasional exceptions it's pretty much a fight...
  3. L

    No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

    Looking for any and all tips for flying with our will-be 13 month old. I’ve already done some searches and looked at older posts- but I’m hoping for fresh perspective on our unique situation. First flight is 1.5 hours, layover 1 hour, second flight 1 hour. So, not super long… (a lot of what I’m...
  4. P

    Glass bottles keep cracking

    Update: thanks everyone for the all the advice! I did not expect this many responses. I got some really helpful info and no matter what bottles we use I’ll be careful about warming them more slowly. I’ve been warming the bottles today and haven’t had any crack, so I’m thinking it might be a...
  5. C

    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    I literally refreshed the page and it's gone? I knew they were having issues but damn.
  6. C

    Piccalio Kitchen Helper Towers/Alternative Towers Ideas

    Hi Moms! I am considering buying the Piccalio Brand Mini Chef Foldable Helper Tower but I want your thoughts since it is pricey at $229 (at least today 2/2/24). Has anyone ever seen this brand on sale on the website? I like that this specific one by Piccalio folds and that it is made of real...