postpartum life

  1. L

    Don’t like “sharing” the baby

    Anyone else struggle with allowing others to handle the baby? I’m a FTM of an 8 week old, and we brought him to my in-law’s this weekend for my husband’s family to meet him, and I’ve really struggled. I feel like I have to let everyone have their time with him, because they live 4 hours from us...
  2. A

    Away from my baby

    I gave birth almost 7 weeks ago, 4 weeks ago I had a D&C. Now I ’m in the hospital again. I have a bad infection and my fever keeps sky rocketing, dr can’t figure out what it is. It’s going to be day 3 that my baby and I haven’t seen each other. He’s home with dad and grandparents . I’m worried...
  3. C

    8/9 week old learned a somehow more devastating cry

    The last couple days it seems like my 8/9 week old has found a brand new cry that hurts my heart and is more devastating than I have ever heard before. Is that normal? Well… has anyone else had that experience? To be honest, I haven’t really experienced the witching hour or the colic or anything...
  4. A

    Subreddit after r/newborns?

    Where does one go for a similar subreddit once we’re past the newborn phase? Would love to find an under 1 sub!
  5. B

    It gets better

    Here (9 weeks) having my first hot cup of tea, on my own, since she was born. The house is silent whilst she’s napping in her crib. Doesn’t sound like much but it is one of the most satisfying feelings I’ve had since giving birth and if you’d told me I’d ever do this again 4 weeks ago I’d have...
  6. I

    is it okay to take baby out now?

    ftm here i’ve been really wanting to get out the house i feel so isolated but im also breastfeeding only right now i thought maybe going to the park would be a good idea to get some fresh air and sunlight my baby is 3 weeks old he’ll be 1 month next week fil says no he’ll get sick since he isn’t...
  7. Z

    C section backache

    I’m 2 weeks PP from C section and have such bad lower back pain when standing for 15 mins or more. Does anybody know and stretches/movements that can relive tension in the area but are safe for 2 weeks pp?
  8. W

    Is there such thing as sleeping too much? And other (probably ridiculous) questions from a ftm

    Ftm to a 5 day old! I have a couple of questions that I will be asking my pediatrician at his next visit but curiosity was getting the best of me and figured I’d ask here since you guys seem so knowledgeable and good at this 1) Can they sleep too much? My little guy is probably sleeping close...
  9. R

    Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

    I had a really miserable pregnancy. I had HG for about 30 weeks, Covid and influenza B at the same time over Christmas and new years, borderline pre-e, cholestasis, etc. By my third trimester, I was going to the hospital twice a week for monitoring and seeing the OB every 5 days. Throughout all...
  10. P

    7 Weeks PP and ready for the 2nd

    Am I the only one? This is my first and all through pregnancy I was sooo ready for it to be over but now I miss feeling my LO kick in my belly so much. The first few weeks were definitely challenging but now we’re in a pretty good place and every time I think about getting pregnant again I get...