
  1. J

    Feeling conflicted - am I a b***h?

    My (F25) fiancé (M28) and I have been TTC #1 unsuccessfully for 9 months now (I appreciate not a huge amount of time compared to some people, but it feels quite long for us). It has really affected me and I am really struggling mentally with it all. My sister-in-law and her partner are going...
  2. C

    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    I went to the emergency room last Monday afternoon (happy labour day!) with excruciating abdominal pains. E X C R U T I A T I N G. Turns out one of my Fallopian tubes had ruptured from an ectopic pregnancy (that was a fun 3 hour wait in the ER, with blood pooling into my abdomen.. super fun...
  3. 7

    i know my friend didnt mean anything bad by it, but im at a point where harmless comments bother me

    its the 3 of us: 32f (me), 36f (A), and 42f (B). A and B have 2 daughters each, both the exact same ages. A and B hangout a lot (frequently without me, because i work during the day + theyre on mat leave/stay at home mothering at the moment). i am closer to B because our husbands work together...