
  1. G

    1 month old hasn’t pooped in 3 days after pooping everyday/every other day

    Should I be worried? To take everything into consideration, I recently tested positive for covid. My 1 month old is now under my MIL care until i test negative and am able to take care of baby again. My baby hasn’t pooped in 3 days…this might sound normal, but she usually poops everyday, if not...
  2. W

    It’s been almost five days since my 7 week old last pooped

    Let me preface this by saying I’m gonna call the pediatrician in the morning and see if I can just ask about it. Just curious if anyone has had experience with their baby going a while without pooping and what’s normal vs abnormal Mine had some explosions on the changing mat Friday night...
  3. N

    How many poop diapers for 3.5 week baby?

    Hi All, new parents to our first child. We are googling so much just because of the fact he is our IVF miracle. We would like to know how many poop diapers is normal for him? He has been giving us lot of pee diapers but poop varies. Yesterday it was 3-4 poopie diapers today it has only been 1...