only working moms responses please.

  1. R

    Transition from Full-time to Part-time Denied?!

    In short, my manager suggested that I transition to part time instead of resigning to find a PT job after I spoke with her about needing more time in my day to take care of my baby. So, we had a conversation yesterday and she told me that the department VP said it was company policy to offer a...
  2. P

    Those who are in an office full time (let’s say 8-5), what’s the rest of your day look like?

    I go into the office Monday-Wednesday from 8-5 (but really, everyone strolls in between 8:15 and 8:30), and then I work from home on Thursdays and Fridays. Starting July, I will most likely have to go in office every day. I’m pretty upset at this to be honest but I don’t have any choice in the...
  3. D

    Hype me up and tell me I CAN do a short international flight alone with my two kids (3 years and 9 months)

    Moms, Husband has gone above and beyond on the disappointment scale and I need a break. I’d like to fly to my home country to see my family and spend a few weeks recovering from the immense stress I’m feeling at home right now. It’s a short international flight (just over 3 hours) and since...
  4. N

    What do your weekday mornings look like?

    I am going back to work after maternity leave later this year with my first baby. He is 12 weeks old and I feel like the last few weeks we finally have gotten into the swing of things. But the thought of going back to work while being a mom is flabbergasting, even if intellectually I know that's...
  5. X

    Maternity Leave- what would you do?

    I’m pregnant with number 2 and trying to decide what to do in terms of maternity leave. What would you do? Husband and I are both teachers. Our state recently passed 3 weeks paid parental leave for all teachers including dads. I’m also entitled to 12 weeks of FMLA, 6 of which will be paid 2/3...
  6. S

    Husband job offer - more money, less flexibility

    TL;DR on Friday we found out my oldest got a spot at the public pre-K (8 am-3 pm, follows school calendar, no bus) and also that my husband got an internal job offer that would significant increase his earnings ($80k to $110k) but he would go from being in the office 1-2 days a week depending on...
  7. L

    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    We’re expecting our first child in January. My husband is a PhD student and I’m a therapist with total autonomy of my schedule. We’re considering an arrangement (after maternity leave, planning to take 3 months off) where I stay home with the baby until 5ish then see clients from 6-9pm. So 3...
  8. J

    post-work baby play

    how intensely are y’all playing with your kids after you get home from work? my daughter’s 7 months, so playtime is still pretty chill, but i often wish i was doing more. some days the stars align and i can crawl around with her, read books with alllllll the silly voices, point out objects and...
  9. I

    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    I always wanted 3-4 kids, but I’m beginning to think 2 will be our number. But how hard is the transition with work? I was part time for the first 6 months with my first, but I don’t think I’ll have that option with my new employer. So I’ll be Monday through Friday 40 hours a week. I’m not...
  10. B

    How do you have time to do anything?

    Okay I feel like I’m doing something wrong here…I work full time in an office and I have a 16 month old. I get off at 5:00 and by the time I pick him up from my in-laws’ house (they are our child care) and get back home, it’s 5:45. That leaves time to do dinner (I usually don’t even cook or if I...
  11. A

    My kid loves TV. Like a lot.

    I have a 3.5yo son who is extremely bright, imaginative, social, and funny. I have zero concerns about his development and think he’s pretty well-rounded imo. But folks, this kid loves watching tv. He goes to daycare everyday and when he gets home he’s usually wiped so we got in the habit of...