oad by choice

  1. Z

    Bilateral salpingectomy scheduled!!

    May 8th!! I repeat, May 8th! I gave birth 8 months ago and it has been a RIDE. (Feel free to look through my post history for more context). Not too long after delivery I joined this sub. It’s a weird unknown — being one and done. I’ve read and reread so many posts here trying to understand my...
  2. A

    My OBGYN laughed at me when I said I was OAD

    I had an appt with my OB last week because nothing down there has felt normal since I gave birth 6 months ago. Turns out I have a bunch of scar tissue that should get better with time/pelvic floor therapy/estrogen-heavy BC, so all's good there. BUT - my doctor asked me about multiples at the...
  3. A

    Reaffirms OAD to me

    Today in the office I overheard a lady who is due in 2 months with #3 (a girl) saying how rough it was when her 2 boys who constantly bickered and fought while being unwell (3.5 and 20 months) were off sick for 2 weeks while her husband was off on a trip, and her parents are away enjoying...
  4. M

    OAD because H and I are not a good parental partnership

    Growing up, I always said I never wanted kids. Fast forward many years to when I met my husband. We got married and had 1 kid. Now, we are both 36 and my son is 1.5 years old. I started taking lexapro to manage PPD 9 months ago. Mood is stabilized, but everyday seems grim because of the...
  5. J

    Do you have a village?

    Curious if those of us who are one and done have villages or not. Personally, I am a sahm who is with my son every single day 6 am to 8-9 pm. Dad gets off work around 6 pm and does help during the nights & weekends. Other than that we have no additional help. At first I thought we’d have 3...
  6. J

    Anybody else have Filshie Clips?

    Edit to add that I am a 26 F. So a few years ago I got pregnant on accident and my life completely changed. I wasn't too crazy on the bio dad's lifestyle (kind of a one night stand thing and he turned out to be a manbaby) so we cut ties and I moved away to raise the baby (lets call her N) on my...
  7. M

    I'm officially sterilized!

    Update from this post ::Context:: I'm 27 years old, Oklahoma, my daughter is 4 1/2 I no longer need to worry about conceiving a child. My daughter will forever by my only! I just wanted to share my update. Thanks you for your time, If you have any questions just ask!
  8. K

    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    Has anyone else made the decision to be OAD simply because you dont want to put your body through so much pain again? After spending a long ass time in induced labor that was not working, they upped my pitocin to where i was experiencing strong contractions that were seconds away from...
  9. Z

    Mitchells vs the Machines

    My husband and I were watching the movie Michells vs the Machines. It's a very cute movie, great animation, highly recommend. It features a family with 2 kids. In the film, the Mitchell mom (w/ 2 kids) is jealous of this other "perfect" family (w/ 1 kid). In one scene, the "perfect" mom is...
  10. D

    Sitting here with my newborn sleeping on my chest and I can’t imagine doing this while having another child too

    I am one and done. I had a traumatic unplanned c-section and recovery was awful. Then I couldn’t breastfeed and that was so stressful. Then we had issues with formula feeding bc LO was having so many tummy troubles and screaming for hours. And also just the waking up every 3 hours to a baby...