negative feelings

  1. B

    F/U: Why Even Ask?

    Hi everyone, I made a post just about a month ago about my friend asking about my TTC journey and how she proceeded to give me almost every "Bingo" phrase in the book. I also mentioned how she started trying last month and previously had been successful very quickly. I noted that I needed to...
  2. T

    Recurring spotting in LP from 7DPO onwards, feeling down

    TW: mention of living child. Hi all, I’m TTC#2 and on cycle 5. I’ve been having LP spotting from about 7DPO and then AF finally comes around 13-14 DPO. I conceived #1 relatively fast and didn’t have this spotting. I’ve stopped nursing my toddler, I’ve started taking vit C, B and prenatal to try...
  3. M

    Ttc for about 2 years and I’m irrationally angry

    My husband and I have been ttc on and off for about two years now. I personally have gotten to the point where I am just irrationally angry all the time. I hate it. The problem is is im not necessarily mad at anything in particular. Im angry at the tests (like it’s their fault). im angry at...
  4. H

    The Big 3 5

    I'm turning 35 in one week. Happens to be the same day AF is expected. Rude. Feeling a lot of emotions - a bit blue (because getting older is already hard, but that "advanced maternal age" is a mood killer), a dash of hope (what if I finally get that BFP on my birthday?! But no, due to recent...