need advice

  1. R

    Plan B failed

    I took 3 plan B’s within a 3 week period (I know it’s bad but my bf and I are long distance so it’s not often). Anyways they failed and now I am 6 weeks 6 days. I’m really nervous about the pills effecting the baby, my doctor expressed concern as well. Has anyone gone through this and had a...
  2. W

    Pregnancy after d&c

    I was pregnant for 10 1/2 weeks. We was able to see the heart beat at 9 weeks and then it stopped beating. We are unsure what happened but on April 10th I had a d&c. I bleed for a week and a half. They did not scrape my uterus but only sucked out the remains of my baby. It’s been 3 1/2 weeks...
  3. S

    Elective C-section v. vaginal birth

    I need some advice from you wonderful people out there. FtM, I am 25 weeks pregnant and already chose a hospital for the birth. As the weeks progress I am not sure how to go forward with the modalities of birth. I'd love to hear your opinion on the many ways to give birth. In the beginning of...
  4. R

    Subchorionic Bleed at 6w

    Hi guys! 6w4d according to my LMP, I had an ultrasound today and saw baby measuring at 6w6d and a heartbeat of 121 which sounds great to my limited knowledge! They also found a subchorionic bleed “along the left lateral margin of the gestational sac measuring 2.8 x 0.5 x 1 cm.” I’m freaking...
  5. G

    I don't know how to sleep..

    29w and everything freaking hurts especially when trying to sleep. My back, my ribs, my hips, my knee that I twisted the other day from simply getting into bed. I cannot get comfortable enough to sleep and I just want to cry. Would a U-shaped pregnancy pillow help? I have a J-shaped one but it...
  6. V

    38w + 5 days - baby measuring larger

    (I’ll make a decision with my medical team and partner - but want to hear your thoughts!) I’m 39w on Sunday and a FTM. I had a growth scan today and baby went from 6 lbs 2 oz about 3 weeks ago to 8 lbs 9 oz - and her belly is measuring in the 99% percentile. Doctor brought up the possibility...
  7. R

    Short Cervix and flying 3 hours

    I was told that I had shortened the cervix and needed to take progesterone. My first ultrasound showed 2.6 cm. But it has been reduced to 1.4 as of the last ultrasound. I had been placed on bed rest until the end of my pregnancy. I have an important event that I was supposed to fly to this...
  8. D

    I N S E C U R I T Y

    Let's talk about it. How the f*** do we deal with it :( I'm to the point where I hate myself and hate everyone around me. Is this the hormones making me go out of wack??
  9. M

    Low TSH and elevated FT4

    I had a miscarriage and had some thyroid bloodwork done a month or so afterward that showed a slightly decreased TSH (0.171 uIU/mL) and normal FT4 (1.44 ng/dL). I was lucky to get pregnant again on the first try. I got another thyroid draw done at about 7w2d that showed a further decrease in TSH...
  10. K

    33 Weeks and Admitted Into L&D

    I (28F) am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my first baby. Yesterday I was concerned because I noticed some reduced fetal movement in the morning so I went to L&D. After an ultrasound and a couple hours of monitoring they told me that my daughter and the placenta both look healthy, her movement...
  11. S

    [Help request!] Positive test…living in a foreign country - need advice!

    Hi everyone. I’m so relieved such a subreddit exists! Is there a wiki for us helpless newbies? So my wife got a positive test yesterday. We’re excited, but in shock at the same time. I woke up in a state of panic today…we have literally NO IDEA what to do next. Our situation is also a little...
  12. F

    just found out my baby is sunny side up

    this has already been the most miserable week of my life. I’m officially past my due date (i’ll be 41 weeks on thursday), my original induction date got cancelled because they didn’t have space for me at the hospital, I’m doing everything to try and start labor naturally and nothing is working...
  13. S

    Pregnancy After Miscarriage is a Mind F***

    I had a miscarriage just over a year ago and now being pregnant again feels like I have PTSD and paranoia. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and any cramp, twinge, bowel movement (especially) freaks me TF out. I'm so worried I'm going to have another miscarriage and this will all be for nothing. I miss my...
  14. O

    vax v. unvaxed turned into my family v. hubby's

    Long story short, I want to make a rule for people visiting / holding our newborn that they must be fully vaccinated. The issue is that my entire family is vaxed and boosted but literally only 2/25 in his family are. So now it seems like I'm just making up a rule so that they can't see him and...