
  1. M

    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    Hello! This sub is really great and I appreciate all of the humanity here. I won’t have a mom or lots of family to give me advice or tips (like what to do with a 4 month old velcro baby?) … and I’m due in October. Could you give me: your hardest earned advice (beyond “everything will be ok”)...
  2. H

    How to deal with being away from your baby

    I know this question might be a little different from what people usually discuss here but for me, being a granola mom also has to do with my parenting style (more gentle, intuitive, attachment oriented approach). And with that comes, for me, a lot of anxiety around being away from my baby. My...
  3. 1

    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    If there’s anyone who’s in the midwestern or eastern U.S., and it’s going to be dangerously cold all week, and you’re beating yourself up about creating wholesome, enriching experiences while you’re all trapped in the house: you can cut yourself some slack. It’s okay. Screens and junk food...
  4. A

    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    Moderately granola mom here who needs some help! I feel like I went down the very granola birth route and my journey did not go to plan - my midwives let me labor at home for 5 days with a posterior baby (they couldn't figure out that he was posterior?) truly the worst pain of my life but...
  5. M

    Struggling to do “everything” *venting*

    I have a 4 year old daughter and 5 month old son, who is ebf. My daughter goes to preschool MWF, but I homeschool her on Tuesdays/Thursdays and will begin full time homeschool in August. I have a WFH job that i’m currently doing part time. Im working around 20 hours a week in the evenings...