mod post

  1. T

    Upcoming r/sleeptrain AMAs

    Keeping this post tagged with upcoming AMAs so the community knows when those will happen in advance. We hope this will increase participation and therefore deliver more value to our community. April 1st 10:30 to 15:30 HST with Meg from If you're a sleep consultant...
  2. Z

    Surveypalooza results

    Hey Clothdiaps! Forever ago we had an our annual Surveypalooza. Regrettably, my life got crazy between the pandemic, a second kid, and then going back to work. I finally took the time to organize the results . It's not the beautiful Google site I've created in years past, but you can view the...
  3. S

    From the Desk of Diet J. Otaku - Thanks Y'all

    i just wanted to take a minute to thank you guys for being so diligent with the reports. awhile back reddit suffered from a rash of porn site spammers who would create brand-new accounts and post in small subs hoping to escape notice long enough to get a click. lots of mod teams started using...
  4. R

    ATTENTION! WorkingMoms Avatar Contest

    The mods have been discussing a new avatar for the subreddit. Currently it's the little reddit robot holding a laptop and a baby that's featured at the top of the subreddit and next to posts in this sub. We would love if the new logo/avatar came from our community, so we are holding a contest...