
  1. M

    Returning to work

    I am currently on maternity leave and at the stage where I am discussing my return to work with my managers. Just as background, I have worked there full time for 4 years. I moved cities during covid-19 so I now live 2 hours away from my office. When planning to move I actually got a new job...
  2. C

    What should be a normal wait time in the maternity ER?? And does a teaching hospital mean it’s different from a regular hospital?

    My last pregnancy I was supposed to be induced on a certain day. That same day I was supposed to get induced I was getting contractions 5-6 minutes apart so I went into the ER. I told them the issue and they had me wait. While waiting I lost my mucus plug and my contractions got stronger. I let...
  3. V

    Take off work for brothers newborn?

    My brother texted me a 4am telling me his wife will be giving birth today. I get off at 3pm. Should I be taking off of work today to try and go to the hospital earlier?
  4. Z

    Alcoholic - Childbirth Tisk

    Hi, so this isn’t a cheery one I’m afraid. My sister is 41 and due to give birth next week. She has a history of severe alcoholism and has been hospitalised several times for this. She is on blood clotting medication at the moment. She is due to give birth next month. I know this is really...
  5. T

    Can really short women give birth ?

    Hi! I'm not planning on giving birth soon because I'm only 18. And I honestly don't even know if I ever will be able to. Pregnancy is almost like a phobia to me. But since I'm with a very good partner, I'm considering having a family with him. But the thing is that I'm a really short and tiny...
  6. B

    $10,000 - $30,000 for a birth in the US?!?

    So, I’ve just seen an online video that said the cost of having a baby in the US is 10k - 30k USD! I’m actually stunned! Is this actually true? Also, they bill $40 for skin on skin contact after a C-Section!? Please tell me this isn’t true!? #howluckyareweNHS
  7. T

    Have you had an Amnio or CVS procedure? I'd love to hear about your experience!

    I'm a graduate student conducting research to get a better understanding of the patient experience with regards to pain/discomfort during amnio and CVS procedures. Here is the link to my anonymous survey if you'd like to share your experience...
  8. I

    Advice about leaving job after Maternity Leave

    So here is my dilemma and I need some advice. I lost my job in March while I was still pregnant but I was quickly hired in April. I disclosed that I was pregnant during my interview so they knew what they were getting into before hiring me. About 4 months into the job, I started to get burned...
  9. O

    No fetal heartbeat measuring 5w6d

    I (23f) recently found out I was pregnant and was so so so excited. I have irregular periods and was not actively trying to conceive so I was not 100% sure when conception had taken place. I had a positive test on March 28th, 24. I went for a first ultrasound on April 16, 24. The sonographer...
  10. W

    Just found out I’m pregnant

    I have many mixed emotions. I’m 29, and turn 30 in July. My husband is super excited. Most of his friends have kids and he is ready for this step at 37. I am anxious, stressed, and excited. I feel like I’m walking into unchartered territory. I’m worried how my work will take the news. They want...
  11. A

    Moveable lump on toddlers neck

    16monthsF no medication or medical issues My daughter has a small pearl sized lump each side of her neck. When I try to feel them they instantly move somewhere else. She has had a cold and runny nose recently. She is clingy and tired but still very playful. Is this something I should be...
  12. T

    returning to an afterhours role with a 2yr and 1yr old.. is this doable!?!

    Hey guys, I'm currently on my second year of mat leave and am due back at work I'm August. I'm an afterhours hospital coordinator and my shifts are 2pm-1am on weekdays and 10am-1030pm weekends. My contract is 0.8 however when I return, I'm able to negotiate reduced hours. Considering my kids...
  13. H

    EI Mat Leave Last Day Worked

    The application asks my last day worked and last time I was physically in work was March 10th, HOWEVER, I have like 6 scheduled shifts before my due date that are off for vacation/PD. So my last paid day before leave is April 9th. So would I put April 9th as my last day? My due date is April 21st
  14. G

    Where can I donate / give away a spectra s1 breast pump?

    Like the title says, I’m trying to find a new home before I move for our family’s spectra s1 breast pump. It was used once and had about 1-3oz of breast milk in the lines. The lines and bottles ( anything that had liquid in it) are gone but the pump itself is brand new. I would like to donate...
  15. T


    I just wanted to give expectant mother's a heads up to double check everything with dealing with Sedgwick! I'm not sure if they are short staffed, burned out, or just experienced a high turnover, but there were so many errors with my leave. They will ask you the preferred time to be reached...
  16. T

    UK tech/software company maternity policies

    Hi everyone! I work for a global software company in the UK, and am starting to consider having a kid. However, I am shocked at the poor maternity offering. I want to know what the offering is for other companies so that I can either a) manage my expectations and accept this is normal or b)...
  17. P

    Fmla and asking employer to drop my house from 40 hours a week to 32 hours a week, for full time

    Hello, I am going to be going on FMLA in June and was wondering if anyone had a case like this. During my maternity leave I would like to propose to my HR department to adjust my hours from 40 per week to 32 per week, which would still be considered full time with my employer. Doing so would...
  18. S


    I have a question about FMLA. If you requested to go back to work early but changed your mind last minute will they still approve/add back the 4 weeks of bonding time? It is currently “pending” and I put in the request to reverse it yesterday. Long story short - I thought I was ready to go back...
  19. M

    Go To Recovery Items

    What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery in the hospital? and What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery at home once you've left the hospital? I'll go first: I've had two c-sections (prepping for a third now) so it will be specific to that. Hospital: My own...
  20. G

    Low Papp-a

    I'm 14/40 with my 1st, and just found out I have low Papp-a. Not drastic, but not mild either. The team are really reassuring and I've seen people who had it with no problems at all. But obviously, my head... Anyone got any reassuring stories please?