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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    My wife is impossible. I’m sick. I do all the stay at home tasks with the kids and the household. My wife creates giant problems. She wanted to drive to this nature center and make s’mores this afternoon. Only she books a play date for our 5 y/o after 3:00 pm. I have to get our 7 y/o from school...
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    I Feel Like I Am Drowning and I Don’t Know How To Parent My 7 y/o

    I feel like I am failing. I’m doing everything. Kids to school, 2 y/o with me all day, errands, household, everything. Pick kids up, 5 went to an art class, picked up 7 at end of after school club. Tried to do everything I could to have them enjoy their day. Went home. They wanted to go to the...
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    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    Random silly complaint. I enjoy cooking. Unless my husband pisses me off. lol But ever since baby, all my dinner is whatever is the fastest. What can I whip up within 30min-1hr(maybe). LO goes to bed between 6:30-7:30. Which is around dinner time. And I like putting her to bed and doing the...
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    SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

    I'm the SAHD, all day, every day. I take care of almost everything on the home/parenting front - I'd say at least 90% if not more. I don't know what is going on. We just took a trip to Florida for vacation. Before that, my wife was working crazy hours and everything was stressful. Before we...
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    I was led to believe he completed the second check after vasectomy, I am now 5 days late

    Sorry, throwaway acct because my husband is on Reddit daily. My husband got a vasectomy September of 2022. He was instructed to check his sperm 3 months after the procedure and again 6 months after the procedure. He did the first test which showed he was sterile. The second test kit was in a...
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    New here, seeking guidance in uncharted territory

    Thank you in advance to anyone who reads as I try to articulate my situation. Would love any feedback, whatever it may be. Tl;dr below My wife ( S 37) and I ( K 34) are at a predicament with the care of our son ( Z 3) and daughter ( B 19 mos). S- Breadwinner, insurance, savings plan K-...
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    Human Pillow

    My 3 year old has been sick for 2 weeks. Was sick, got better for a day and then caught something else. Took her to the dr on Monday, 2 hours of driving to get X-rays and tests and everything came back negative. Told us to come back Wednesday if she was still sick. Spoiler alert she was. Said it...