large families

  1. T

    Which transition was hardest?

    I’m sure there are literally 100 of these within the sub. But I’m just wondering how everyone dealt with the transition from 2 to 3. We found the transition from 1 to 2 much harder than from 0 to 1. But, we also don’t feel done. Just curious how you all would rank the difficulty of each new...
  2. A

    How do you do birthdays?

    We are in the depths of "Birthday Season" here at our house - one earlier in January, two this past week, one next week, two the week after that, two further into February (8 of 11 birthdays in 7 weeks; its's madness). Our go-to for celebrating is: some decorations in the house, Birthday...
  3. N

    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    How the heck? My husband goes back to work in a few weeks - trying to figure out how to breast feed / keep a pumping schedule for my 2 month old with a 3 and 1-1/2 year old.
  4. R

    Help! Flying with 3 (4,4,2)

    I’m flying solo and may need to take 3 car seats! And I cannot fathom how to do it. How do I get 3 car seats from baggage claim to the rental car area? I have looked into renting car seats but the cost is a lot for 3 seats for a week. The kids are under 40lbs which is the limit for using just...
  5. M

    The secret to staying together

    I am writing a book about parenting and mental health aimed at Dad's If you are still together with the other parent to your child are you able to take a couple of minutes to complete my Google Forms survey Still Together With Childs Parent Survey - Google Forms If you have split Mum Survey...
  6. L

    Educational Books? AI's got it

    Hey there! I want to share with you an AI-powered tool called Novelevate. I thought it might be something you'd find interesting. It lets you create age-appropriate educational books for kids in just 5 minutes! Here's a video that shows how it works:
  7. C

    Family car wanted

    I'm looking to two+ hooks near the ceiling of the car to hang an IV for my toddler who (a) needs a feeding tube (b) needs a stomach pump (gastroparesis, look it up it's not gross) when she eats to avoid vomiting. We have stated to go on road trips (but before the quantine stared) we had to...
  8. B

    Actual baby essentials?

    I am pregnant with our fifth baby. Almost halfway done! But, we were not trying or wanting to try for #5. Actually we were done and actively trying NOT to get pregnant but it only takes one slip and boom. Pregnant. Anyway. We got rid of everything. I mean, every last piece of clothing (we have...
  9. A


    How does your larger than average family deal with the fine line between teaching your individual child responsibilities/ family bond and making sure you're not overburdened them with parental responsibility? How do you make sure you have a healthy balance between budgeting money for...
  10. T

    How to build a largefamily?

    I am a single child with no close relatives, and for many years I longed for a large family. I just had my first child and every day I keep coming back to this dream. But I have no idea how to get there: I was a programmer and just finished law school, my husband is a mechanic engineer, but we...
  11. G

    Big Age Gap Between 1 and 2?

    Have any of you had a large family (3+ kids) after a gap of 5+ years between your first and your subsequent children? How does your oldest child feel about it? How are their relationships with siblings? My son is 5 and very active and extroverted. He loves calling the neighbors his brothers...
  12. K

    Product Idea

    I am working for a small startup with limited market research resources. I was curious if the idea of an automatic, battery powered baby wipes dispenser that can be reloaded at the changing table would be of interest to this group? Unit would be around $40 and hold about 50 wipes per cartridge...
  13. P

    Best things about minivans?

    Hello! I've been reading here for a bit but first time posting. Our family needs a new vehicle, and it seems like a minivan is the most practical option. We have a 1.5 year old, baby #2 on the way, and are planning for four kids total. Need a vehicle that can get us through the next 10 years or...
  14. D

    Gender patterns?

    I have 4 kids (currently pregnant with my 5th). I always find it fascinating with families that have lots of kids what genders came in what order. I have B,G,G,G. No idea what Baby #5 is, but we’ll find out at delivery. What about you guys?
  15. H

    3u4: must haves & minivans??

    WELL HELLO FRIENDS! We found out recently we are expecting our third little nugget Dec 2022! DS will be right at 3.5 y/o and DD will be turning 2 y/o right around my due date! We definitely will be needing a new vehicle for our little crew! Amongst other things to aid in making 3u4 a bit more...
  16. M

    Income needed for 3 kids

    Hi! We are contemplating a third child. With inflation and some debt we are paying off we aren’t sure we can afford a third AND have the lifestyle we want (1-2 vacations per year, skiing etc). How much do you all make (roughly) if you don’t mind sharing to live comfortably as a family of five...
  17. F

    Shall we go from 2 to 3?

    We have a 3 y/o and 9 m/o. We are both working parents, with good jobs and benefits. We live in NYC in a large rent stabilized (affordable) 2 bedroom apartment. My parents live within 15 mins from us and will watch our kids until they can go to school (0-3). I am one of 3, my husband is one...
  18. W

    Parenting help

    My daughter just turned 11. I believe some (if not most) of this is hormonal. But I’m at a loss at how to respond and how to handle this. These typically happen when she has things out of routine - like a birthday party on the weekend for example. Particularly if she’s not gotten enough...
  19. D

    Parenting hacks?

    Okay so I’m about to have my fourth baby in mid-July & I just want to hear some of y’all’s parenting hacks? For example: dinner, bath, bed is soooo unmanageable for us time wise! If they need a bath/shower it’s in the morning or sometimes literally in the middle of the day (all under 5) What do...
  20. P

    5 kids Failed morning routine

    I recently had my 5th child which is 5 months old. My other kids age 16,8,4,2. Im severely struggling to get out the house on time to get to work by 8:45am. Any tips and tricks on how to create a game changer in the madness???. I’m getting really frustrated because I am not consistent.Its very...