
  1. T

    New here

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. Our son (an IVF baby due to CBAVD with me + PCOS with wife) was born on April 8th at 34+1 weeks by c-section due to severe pre-eclampsia that culminated in my wife being hospitalized with 180/106 blood pressure. She had steroid shots on 4/5 and 4/6, and then on 4/8 the...
  2. 0

    Got discharged today without my baby

    I am 4 days PP. Went into spontaneous labor Sunday at 37+2, had a 7 hour labor before it was time to push, pushed for 2 hours and he wouldn’t descend so we ended up having a c-section. He had to be in the nicu for 2 hours after birth for some fluid in his lungs and then he was with us. He...